Thirteen-year-old Estelle lives with her cousins, Ray and Harry, under the care of their guardian, Uncle Graylon. In the year 2300, Estelle enjoys living at the beautiful Lakeside apartments on Mars. The air has been breathable for almost fifty years. She has fun, playing with the fish in their beautiful lake. Estelle and her cousins are always ready to travel to different parts of Mars. Once they visited the "face" formation. They didn't even know the formation until they saw it from an airship - with the light shining on it in just the right way. Estelle even tolerates the Sun-Storm drills...
Thirteen-year-old Estelle lives with her cousins, Ray and Harry, under the care of their guardian, Uncle Graylon. In the year 2300, Estelle enjoys liv...
In the year 2056, Wanda Roland, 13, is accidentally put on the spaceship taking her 23-year-old brother, Glen, and his companions, Mark James and Jim Rudolf, to Mars. Glen is angry to find his sister instead of a boy, scheduled to come with them. Wanda is convinced that it is all right to go to Mars, even though her parents object because of her migraine attacks. She is determined to find water on Mars
In the year 2056, Wanda Roland, 13, is accidentally put on the spaceship taking her 23-year-old brother, Glen, and his companions, Mark James and Jim ...