Dans cet ouvrage de Charles Darwin, publie le 24 novembre 1859, Charles Darwin explique le mecanisme presidant, selon lui, a l'evolution graduelle des especes vivantes dans la nature. Malgre son titre, cet ouvrage est considere aujourd'hui comme fondateur de la theorie de l'evolution moderne. Darwin mentionne differents predecesseurs, a la fois concernant l'idee de descendance avec modification et l'idee de selection naturelle."
Dans cet ouvrage de Charles Darwin, publie le 24 novembre 1859, Charles Darwin explique le mecanisme presidant, selon lui, a l'evolution graduelle des...
The daring and restless mind, the integrity and simplicity of Darwin's character are revealed in this direct and personal account of his life-his family, his education, his explorations of the natural world, his religion and philosophy.
The daring and restless mind, the integrity and simplicity of Darwin's character are revealed in this direct and personal account of his life-his fami...
Although in some respects more technical in their subjects and style thanDarwin's "Journal," the books here reprinted will never lose their valueand interest for the originality of the observations they contain. Manyparts of them are admirably adapted for giving an insight into problemsregarding the structure and changes of the earth's surface, and in factthey form a charming introduction to physical geology and physiography intheir application to special domains.
Although in some respects more technical in their subjects and style thanDarwin's "Journal," the books here reprinted will never lose their valueand i...
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), al publicar su obra El origen de las especies, presento su teoria de la evolucion natural que, pasados ciento cincuenta anos, continua siendo la base de la interpretacion de la naturaleza de la biologia moderna. El libro tuvo un gran exito desde su primera edicion, suscito grandes polemicas y su influencia se hizo notar no solo en la comunidad cientifica, sino en toda la sociedad."
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), al publicar su obra El origen de las especies, presento su teoria de la evolucion natural que, pasados ciento cincuenta an...
Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection is both a key scientific work of research, still read by scientists, and a readable narrative that has had a cultural impact unmatched by any other scientific text. First published in 1859, it has continued to sell, to be reviewed and discussed, attacked and defended. The Origin is one of those books whose controversial reputation ensures that many who have never read it nevertheless have an opinion about it. Jim Endersby's major scholarly edition debunks some of the myths that surround Darwin's book, while providing a...
Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection is both a key scientific work of research, still read by scientists, and a rea...
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex is a book by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in 1871, which applies evolutionary theory to human evolution, and details his theory of sexual selection, a form of biological adaptation distinct from, yet interconnected with, natural selection. The book discusses many related issues, including evolutionary psychology, evolutionary ethics, differences between human races, differences between sexes, the dominant role of women in mate choice, and the...
The Descent of Man
Selection in Relation to Sex
Charles Darwin
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex is a book by English natu...
Con esta obra, Charles Darwin presento su teoria de la evolucion mediante la seleccion natural que, pasados mas de cien anos, continua siendo la base del estudio de la naturaleza para la biologia actual."
Con esta obra, Charles Darwin presento su teoria de la evolucion mediante la seleccion natural que, pasados mas de cien anos, continua siendo la base ...
Un editor aleman me escribio pidiendome un informe sobre la evolucion de mi mente y mi caracter escribe Darwin, junto con un esbozo autobiografico, y pense que el intento podria entretenerme y resultar, quiza, interesante para mis hijos o para mis nietos."
Un editor aleman me escribio pidiendome un informe sobre la evolucion de mi mente y mi caracter escribe Darwin, junto con un esbozo autobiografico, y ...