Features eight essays by Euclides da Cunha, about his trip through the Amazonin 1905, written to describe the Brazilian hinterlands to the urban citizens.
Features eight essays by Euclides da Cunha, about his trip through the Amazonin 1905, written to describe the Brazilian hinterlands to the urban citiz...
Euclides da Cunha's classic account of the brutal campaigns against religious mystic Antonio Conselheiro has been called the Bible of Brazilian nationality. "Euclides da Cunha went on the campaigns against Conselheiro] as a journalist and what he returned with and published in 1902 is still unsurpassed in Latin American literature. Cunha is a talent as grand, spacious, entangled with knowledge, curiosity, and bafflement as the country itself. . . . On every page there is a heart of idea, speculation, dramatic observation that tells of a creative mission undertaken, the identity of the...
Euclides da Cunha's classic account of the brutal campaigns against religious mystic Antonio Conselheiro has been called the Bible of Brazilian nation...
An important new translation of a fundamental work of Brazilian literature Written by a former army lieutenant, civil engineer, and journalist, Backlands is Euclides da Cunha's vivid and poignant portrayal of Brazil's infamous War of Canudos. The deadliest civil war in Brazilian history, the conflict during the 1890s was between the government and the village of Canudos in the northeastern state of Bahia, which had been settled by 30,000 followers of the religious zealot Antonio Conselheiro. Far from just an objective retelling, da Cunha's story shows both the significance...
An important new translation of a fundamental work of Brazilian literature Written by a former army lieutenant, civil engineer, and journ...
Bem-vindo ao maravilhoso mundo de Euclides da Cunha. Nesta edicao classica do seu romance Os Sertoes, trazemos ate si a melhor edicao esta admiravel peca literaria do inicio do seculo XX. Inicialmente publicado em 1902, Os Sertoes trata da Guerra de Canudos (1896-1897), no interior da Bahia. Euclides da Cunha presenciou uma parte desta guerra como correspondente do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Os Sertoes pertence, ao mesmo tempo, a prosa cientifica e a prosa artistica. Pode ser entendido como um obra de Sociologia, Geografia, Historia ou critica humana. Mas tambem ser lido como uma epopeia da...
Bem-vindo ao maravilhoso mundo de Euclides da Cunha. Nesta edicao classica do seu romance Os Sertoes, trazemos ate si a melhor edicao esta admiravel p...