We Need God's PowerDrawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God moves in our midst. He longs to reveal the mind of God to us and to release heaven's limitless resources to meet the desperate needs around us.Fresh Power will expand your vision for what God can and will do, and inspire you to pray like never before for God's power in your church--and in you.
We Need God's PowerDrawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God move...
Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for Jesus, our zeal, our troubled children, our wounded marriages, our broken and divided churches.Born out of the heart and soul of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, the message of Fresh Faith is illustrated by true stories of men and women whose lives have been changed through the power of faith. Cymbala writes, "Real faith is produced when our hearts draw near to God himself and receive his promises deep within."That kind of faith can transform your...
Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for...
From the Book Meet three who discovered the power of "breakthrough prayer." "My husband and I had a dream of helping desperate young women. But no banker in his right mind would finance such a venture. So we prayed and God broke through every single obstacle we faced. That was just the beginning of the wonderful roller-coaster ride we call 'faith.'" --Grace (chapter 7) "Voices inside my head were constantly screaming at me. I became like an animal in the street, muttering or yelling out a stream of profanity as people passed by. One day I screamed out, Jesus, help me O God, you're my only...
From the Book Meet three who discovered the power of "breakthrough prayer." "My husband and I had a dream of helping desperate young women. But no ...
This participant's guide will help you to understand, personalize, and apply the powerful, life-changing concepts described in the six video sessions of When God's People Pray Small Group DVD. It includes questions to think about, session outlines with room for note-taking, discussion questions, Bible studies, a prayer journal, and more. Prayer can change lives and circumstances like nothing else can. What are the keys that unlock its power, that turn prayer from a mere activity into a vital link with God and all his resources? In When God's People Pray, Jim Cymbala, pastor of Brooklyn...
This participant's guide will help you to understand, personalize, and apply the powerful, life-changing concepts described in the six video sessio...
For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn t mean, I give up It means, Victory at last Struggling with stubborn habits? Secret sin? Spiritual strongholds? The key isn t how committed you are to the battle it s how surrendered you are to God. This truth can be your breakthrough, the first step towards a deeper, richer, victorious spiritual life. With her compelling mix of profound biblical insight and personal example, Nancy Leigh DeMoss reveals why it is only when you surrender your heart, your soul, your body, your ambitions everything to God that He can fully help...
For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn t mean, I give up It means, Victory at last Struggling with stubborn habits? Secret ...
Es hora que nos agarremos del Espiritu Santo o mas bien que permitamos que el se agarre de nosotros. Jim Cymbala, pastor del Tabernaculo de Brooklyn, se abre paso a traves de los obstaculos teologicos sobre el Espiritu Santo con esta verdad fundamental: Necesitamos al Espiritu Santo desesperadamente. Nuestra inteligencia no puede transformar ni a un solo adicto al crack, ni sanar el corazon de la victima de violacion, ni traer a un hombre de negocios agotado a Jesucristo. Solo el Espiritu de Dios puede hacer eso. Con ejemplos extraidos de la Biblia y de las calles de Nueva York, Poder Vivo...
Es hora que nos agarremos del Espiritu Santo o mas bien que permitamos que el se agarre de nosotros. Jim Cymbala, pastor del Tabernaculo de Brooklyn, ...
En este volumen, el pastor Cymbala le descubre al lector las principales ensenanzas biblicas acerca de la oracion que realmente mueve montanas. Se trata de un recorrido a traves de la Biblia extrayendo principios de la oracion, la bendicion y las promesas que Dios hace a su pueblo para llevarlo a experimentar verdaderamente la fe en sus vidas. Contiene relatos y testimonios de primera mano de oraciones contestadas que cambiaron el rumbo de la vida de quienes las hicieron. Entre ellos, se incluye el testimonio de oracion contestada de la ultima sobreviviente del derrumbe de las Torres Gemelas...
En este volumen, el pastor Cymbala le descubre al lector las principales ensenanzas biblicas acerca de la oracion que realmente mueve montanas. Se tra...
One Holy Fire is the dramatic true story of the work of God's Spirit in one person's life-and how that same Spirit can revolutionize readers' lives as well. Nicky Cruz shares lively, never-before-published stories from his ministry that will quicken readers' hearts and spark their souls. Stories of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Of masses coming to salvation in Jesus Christ. Of hand-to-hand spiritual warfare. Of the supernatural provision and presence of God's Spirit in every area of his life and ministry. Cruz also explores the promises in Scripture...
One Holy Fire is the dramatic true story of the work of God's Spirit in one person's life-and how that same Spirit can revolutionize readers...
God Is Looking For A Church To Bless God wants to transform his church into a people of power, joy, and peace Jim Cymbala reminds us that Christianity is only as strong as the local church and that God wants to bless our churches in ways we can t possibly imagine. It doesn t matter whether a church is alive and growing or barely surviving on life support. God has a plan for it. It doesn t matter whether a church is facing financial challenges, internal divisions, or strife among its leaders. God has a plan for it. God is able to deal with any problem a church will ever face--as long as his...
God Is Looking For A Church To Bless God wants to transform his church into a people of power, joy, and peace Jim Cymbala reminds us that Christianity...
In this six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), pastor and bestselling author Jim Cymbala explores the person and work of the Holy Spirit to bring a fresh sense of God's power to your church and your life.
What happens when the Holy Spirit moves powerfully within a church? Through this six-session study you will learn how:
To make room for the Spirit's action in your life and in your church
God wants to work through your gifts and talents to enable you to do what only he can do
To listen for the voice of the Spirit in...
In this six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), pastor and bestselling author Jim Cymbala explores the person and ...