Many women held positions of great responsibility and power in the United States during the 19th century as theatre managers: managing stock companies, owning or leasing theatres, hiring actors and other personnel, selecting plays for production, directing rehearsals, supervising all production details, and promoting their dramatic offerings. Competing in risky business ventures, these women were remarkable for defying societal norms that restricted career opportunities for women. The activities of more than 50 such women are discussed in Nineteenth-Century American Women Theatre Managers,...
Many women held positions of great responsibility and power in the United States during the 19th century as theatre managers: managing stock compan...
Be a Brilliant Business Writer gives you tools for mastering the art of persuasive writing in every document you create, from email and client letters to reports and presentations. Jane Curry and Diana Young will show you how to convey your message with clarity and power, increase your productivity by reducing rewrites, and provide just the right tone for navigating the minefield of office politics. With its smart, savvy advice, Be a Brilliant Business Writer will help you write to boost the bottom line, win professional...
Leverage the power of effective writing
Be a Brilliant Business Writer gives you tools for mastering the art of persuasive writin...