Matthias R. Mehl Tamlin S. Conner Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Bringing together leading authorities, this unique handbook reviews the breadth of current approaches for studying how people think, feel, and behave in everyday environments, rather than in the laboratory. The volume thoroughly describes experience sampling methods, diary methods, physiological measures, and other self-report and non-self-report tools that allow for repeated, real-time measurement in natural settings. Practical guidance is provided to help the reader design a high-quality study, select and implement appropriate methods, and analyze the resulting data using cutting-edge...
Bringing together leading authorities, this unique handbook reviews the breadth of current approaches for studying how people think, feel, and beha...
The classic study of the creative process from the national bestselling author of Flow
creativity is about capturing those moments that make life worth living. Legendary psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi reveals what leads to these moments--be it the excitement of the artist at the easel or the scientist in the lab--so that this knowledge can be used to enrich people's lives. Drawing on nearly one hundred interviews with exceptional people, from biologists and physicists, to politicians and business leaders, to poets and artists, as well as his thirty years of research on...
The classic study of the creative process from the national bestselling author of Flow
Einfache Wege zu mehr Einfallsreichtum und Originalität!§Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi beantwortet in diesem Buch die Fragen, wo und wie Kreativität entsteht und wie es jedem Einzelnen gelingen kann, seine ganz persönliche Inspirationsquelle zu entdecken und zu fördern. Es erschließt sich Ihnen die interessante Welt der "kreativen Köpfe", damit auch Sie in Zukunft beruflich und privat von Ihrer schöpferischen Kraft profitieren und Ideenlosigkeit und innere Blockaden überwinden können.
Einfache Wege zu mehr Einfallsreichtum und Originalität!§Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi beantwortet in diesem Buch die Fragen, wo und wie Kreativität ents...
These volumes bring together a valuable collection of work from four decades of writing by one accomplished and influential scholar, who has academic foundations in psychology and wide ranging experience and collaborations, crossing into a number of other disciplines. Through these volumes the important themes and discoveries in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work emerge, including studies of creativity, cultural evolution, play and adolescent development. These are big issues of our time and through this series we are able to trace the origins and development of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work....
These volumes bring together a valuable collection of work from four decades of writing by one accomplished and influential scholar, who has academ...
This first volume of the Collected Works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi represents his work on Art and Creativity. Starting with his seminal 1964 study on creativity up to his 2010 publication in Newsweek, the volume spans over four decades of research and writing and clearly shows Csikszentmihalyi s own development as an academic, psychologist, researcher and person. Unconventional and unorthodox in his approach, Csikszentmihalyi chose the topic of creativity as a field of study believing it would help him be a better psychologist and advance his understanding of how to live a better...
This first volume of the Collected Works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi represents his work on Art and Creativity. Starting with his seminal 1964 study...
The second volume in the collected works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi covers about thirty years of Csikszentmihalyi s work on three main and interconnected areas of study: attention, flow and positive psychology. Describing attention as psychic energy and in the footsteps of William James, Csikszentmihalyi explores the allocation of attention, the when and where and the amount of attention humans pay to tasks and the role of attention in creating experiences, or ordered patterns of information. Taking into account information processing theories and attempts at quantifying people s...
The second volume in the collected works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi covers about thirty years of Csikszentmihalyi s work on three main and intercon...
Flow statt Burnout§§Der Klassiker von Csikszentmihalyi jetzt in der preisgünstigen Neuauflage.§§Das Glück am Arbeitsplatz ist wichtiger als sechs Richtige im Lotto.
Flow statt Burnout§§Der Klassiker von Csikszentmihalyi jetzt in der preisgünstigen Neuauflage.§§Das Glück am Arbeitsplatz ist wichtiger als sech...
Sebastian Filep Jennifer Laing Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Tourism affects millions of individuals, numerous societies and environments in multiple, nuanced and overlapping ways. While it can be viewed as a frivolous leisure pursuit or simply a large industry, with potentially destructive impacts, it might also be understood in terms of its effects on human fulfilment, the good life and greater well-being. This book calls for positive tourism, principally grounded in theories from positive psychology (the study of what makes life worth living), and the development of a body of knowledge that explains what characterises optimal tourist...
Tourism affects millions of individuals, numerous societies and environments in multiple, nuanced and overlapping ways. While it can be viewed as a...
Describing attention as psychic energy and in the footsteps of William James, Csikszentmihalyi explores the allocation of attention, the when and where and the amount of attention humans pay to tasks and the role of attention in creating `experiences', or ordered patterns of information.
Describing attention as psychic energy and in the footsteps of William James, Csikszentmihalyi explores the allocation of attention, the when and wher...