Leisha Joseph Deborah Bruner Mendenhall Nicky Cruz
Leisha Joseph enjoyed a happy childhood as the treasured only daughter of an upper-middle-class family with three brothers and doting parents. When she was eight years old, all this changed abruptly with the death of her father. The strain on her mother manifested itself in wild behavior: After trying to burn the house down and chasing Leisha with a butcher knife, she was taken to the state mental hospital. Following the death of her beloved grandparents, Leisha was left to the care of her mother, who was frequently in and out of mental hospitals, and brought home a string of boyfriends, some...
Leisha Joseph enjoyed a happy childhood as the treasured only daughter of an upper-middle-class family with three brothers and doting parents. When sh...
Esta es la historia emocionante de como Nicky Cruz se escapo de los barrios bajos en un esfuerzo desesperado para una vida mejor. Es la biografia de un joven que vencio el alcoholismo y los crimenes de violencia para llegar a ser una inspiracion para los jovenes en todo el mundo.
Esta es la historia emocionante de como Nicky Cruz se escapo de los barrios bajos en un esfuerzo desesperado para una vida mejor. Es la biografia de u...
One Holy Fire is the dramatic true story of the work of God's Spirit in one person's life-and how that same Spirit can revolutionize readers' lives as well. Nicky Cruz shares lively, never-before-published stories from his ministry that will quicken readers' hearts and spark their souls. Stories of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Of masses coming to salvation in Jesus Christ. Of hand-to-hand spiritual warfare. Of the supernatural provision and presence of God's Spirit in every area of his life and ministry. Cruz also explores the promises in Scripture...
One Holy Fire is the dramatic true story of the work of God's Spirit in one person's life-and how that same Spirit can revolutionize readers...
New from the author of the best-selling Christian classic, "Run Baby Run. " The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with freeing human hearts enslaved to sin. To truly know God, this must become our life s driving desire as well our "Soul Obsession." And when we fall obediently in step with God, we ll see Him perform miracles through us to rescue people and give them new life. In his powerful new book, internationally known author Nicky Cruz shares powerful personal stories of faithful obedience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances including the amazing...
New from the author of the best-selling Christian classic, "Run Baby Run. " The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with fre...
Das Leben des jungen Nicky Cruz umschliet alle Elemente einer Tragdie: Gewalt, Intrige und Selbstzerstrung - aber auch die Befreiung aus diesem Labyrinth durch das Evangelium von Jesus Christus.Die ersten Kapitel dieses beraus spannenden Buches bilden den dunklen, drohenden Hintergrund, vor dem sich eine fast beispiellose Bekehrung vollzieht.In seiner Gesamtheit aber schildert es die erregenden ersten neunundzwanzig Lebensjahre eines Mannes.
Das Leben des jungen Nicky Cruz umschliet alle Elemente einer Tragdie: Gewalt, Intrige und Selbstzerstrung - aber auch die Befreiung aus diesem Labyri...