In this story, John Cowart explores the complex social, political and religious forces that dominated Medieval Spain during the Reconquista. Jews were caught in the middle of this titanic struggle between Christian and Muslim. The Moors drive Hernan from his castle, and he flees to Leon. There, he meets Rachel, the daughter of Abraham Ben Kohen, the king's chancellor. Their love grows in spite of their religious differences. She is a Jew, and he a Christian. When Ben Kohen is killed, the king blames Hernan and promises Rachel to another in marriage. Forced into exile, Hernan has lost...
In this story, John Cowart explores the complex social, political and religious forces that dominated Medieval Spain during the Reconquista. Jews were...
Ralph Martin had such high ideals when he left his comfortable life as an assistant pastor in a well-to-do parish to work as a missionary to the poor in the war-torn Central American country of El Salvador. Caught up in the conflicting ideologies of the
Ralph Martin had such high ideals when he left his comfortable life as an assistant pastor in a well-to-do parish to work as a missionary to the poor ...