Discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ. Network, the leading course for discovering spiritual gifts and empowering people for ministry has been revised and updated. This material, developed in partnership with the Willow Creek Association, helps churches appropriately guide people to the place of ministry that best reflects who they are. Churches will see increased participation, greater effectiveness, more enthusiasm, and less burn-out in their congregation. Believers in their church will discover the spiritual gifts God has...
Discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ. Network, the leading course for discovering...
Discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ Network, the leading course for discovering spiritual gifts and empowering people for ministry has been revised and updated. This material, developed in partnership with the Willow Creek Association, helps churches appropriately guide people to the place of ministry that best reflects who they are. Churches will see increased participation, greater effectiveness, more enthusiasm, and less burn-out in their congregation. Believers in their church will discover the spiritual gifts God has...
Discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ Network, the leading course for discovering ...
Begabungen erkennen, Leidenschaft entwickeln, Gemeinde gestalten. D.I.E.N.S.T. ist ein vielfach erprobtes Programm zur Förderung und Freisetzung der Mitarbeiter in Ihrer Gemeinde. Es wurde entwickelt, damit Menschen ihre einzigartigen Neigungen, Gaben und Persönlichkeitsstile entdecken, trainieren und am richtigen Ort in der Gemeinde einsetzen können. Über 60.000 Menschen haben in Deutschland den D.I.E.N.S.T.-Prozess erfolgreich durchlaufen ganze Gemeinden wurden nachhaltig umgestaltet.
Begabungen erkennen, Leidenschaft entwickeln, Gemeinde gestalten. D.I.E.N.S.T. ist ein vielfach erprobtes Programm zur Förderung und Freisetzung der ...
The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Since its release in 1992, it has been used by churches and small groups to help raise up devoted disciples of Christ. Group members who work through the program will lay a solid foundation for a lifelong walk with God.
While small groups may be formed for a variety of purposes, the goal of this curriculum is for groups to produce disciples--fully devoted followers of Christ--by studying God's Word in community. To this end, the goal...
The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinoi...
The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Since its release in 1992, it has been used by churches and small groups to help raise up devoted disciples of Christ. Group members who work through the program will lay a solid foundation for a lifelong walk with God.
While small groups may be formed for a variety of purposes, the goal of this curriculum is for groups to produce disciples--fully devoted followers of Christ--by studying God's Word in community. To this end, the goal...
The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinoi...