What's the point of studying philosophy when we have theology? Is philosophy anything more than a preparation for apologetics? Often called "theology's handmaid," philosophy has sometimes suffered from an inferiority complex in the church. Many Christians see little point in it at all. But as Paul Copan contends, it is possible to affirm theology's preeminence without diminishing the value and contribution of philosophy. InA Little Book for New Philosophers, Copan offers a concise introduction to the study of philosophy. Aimed at newcomers, this brief overview is both a survey of...
What's the point of studying philosophy when we have theology? Is philosophy anything more than a preparation for apologetics? Often called "theology'...
What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer. Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is an overview of biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous individuals, but also as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God's creation. Key preliminary...
What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of hum...
A common objection to belief in the God of the Bible is that a good, kind, and loving deity would never command the wholesale slaughter of nations. Even Christians have a hard time stomaching such a thought, and many avoid reading those difficult Old Testament passages that make us squeamish. Instead, we quickly jump to the enemy-loving, forgiving Jesus of the New Testament. And yet, the question doesn't go away. Did God really command genocide? Is the command to "utterly destroy" morally unjustifiable? Is it literal? Are the issues more complex and nuanced than we realize? In the...
A common objection to belief in the God of the Bible is that a good, kind, and loving deity would never command the wholesale slaughter of nations. Ev...
The kalam cosmological argument is a significant and much-discussed natural theological argument. The argument aims to show that an infinite temporal regress of events is impossible and that therefore the universe began to exist (out of nothing) a finite time ago. In conjunction with the causal principle that whatever begins to exist has a cause, this fact implies that the universe has a transcendent cause of its existence. Championed historically by Muslim, Jewish, and Christian philosophers alike, the argument has enjoyed a contemporary resurgence of interest among philosophers...
The kalam cosmological argument is a significant and much-discussed natural theological argument. The argument aims to show that an infinite...