Fired by the passion to take the message of the gospel beyond the walls of the church, Jerry Cook challenges Christians to reconsider their role in society. He emphasizes that the church on Monday operates in the experience of the non believer where the greatest impact for God can occur. He encourages Christians to consider themselves strategically placed by Jesus Christ to go to the non believer rather than having them come to God. Drawing from the book of Ephesians, he challenges traditional thinking of how ministry occurs and what the church should be while presenting an exciting new...
Fired by the passion to take the message of the gospel beyond the walls of the church, Jerry Cook challenges Christians to reconsider their role in so...
Short Description (2,000 characters, including spaces) Dr. Jerry Cook spent fifty years as a pastor, teaching and writing about the presence of the Holy Spirit and of Christ in everyday life-including speaking in tongues. But in a conversation with a young pastor he realized the need to explain this topic in a practical, accessible way for those who may have only been exposed to it through "shocking" manifestations of fanaticism. In this conversation, the young pastor wondered what the "big deal" was, and when Cook got over his anger at this dismissive assessment, he tackled the concept...
Short Description (2,000 characters, including spaces) Dr. Jerry Cook spent fifty years as a pastor, teaching and writing about the presence of the Ho...
Jerry Cook wrote the well-known book, "Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness," used by pastors and churches around the world. Simply being in an environment of love, acceptance and forgiveness is a healing experience. In a marriage, this environment produces a joyous partnership, relaxed comfort, and romantic love that survives the crises of life. Even hardships serve only to build stronger bonds. Contrary to popular notions, a romantic marriage does not come from "hard work" - not even from "communication." Nervous tension is the enemy of romance, as is criticism (often the result of...
Jerry Cook wrote the well-known book, "Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness," used by pastors and churches around the world. Simply being in an environmen...