An understanding of Lloyd George's long and prominent political career elucidates many of the key issues in modern British history. Seen by some as the man who won the war', he was central to the political activity which appeared to secure the pre-eminence of the Liberal party before the First World War, but which later contributed to its reduction in status. His initiatives in government, particularly in the area of social reform, helped to redefine the relationship between the state and society and laid the basis for the Welfare State. This pamphlet examines these developments with...
An understanding of Lloyd George's long and prominent political career elucidates many of the key issues in modern British history. Seen by some as th...
Whereas one particular image of the interwar years portrays this period to contain depression, decay and deprivation, more recent works have shown it to be a time of more optimistic social conditions. This book discusses this much debated argument.
Whereas one particular image of the interwar years portrays this period to contain depression, decay and deprivation, more recent works have shown it ...
This fluent, accessible and richly informed study, based on much previously unexplored archival material, concerns the history of Gibraltar following its military conquest in 1704, after which sovereignty of the territory was transferred from Spain to Britain and it became a British fortress and colony. Unlike virtually all other studies of Gibraltar, this book focuses on the civilian population. It shows how a substantial multi-ethnic Roman Catholic and Jewish population derived mainly from the littorals and islands of the Mediterranean became settled in British Gibraltar, much of it in...
This fluent, accessible and richly informed study, based on much previously unexplored archival material, concerns the history of Gibraltar following ...
Shows how a multi-ethnic Roman Catholic and Jewish population derived mainly from the littorals and islands of the Mediterranean became settled in British Gibraltar. This book explains how the demographic, economic, administrative and political history of Gibraltar accounts for the construction of a distinctive 'Gibraltarian' identity.
Shows how a multi-ethnic Roman Catholic and Jewish population derived mainly from the littorals and islands of the Mediterranean became settled in Bri...
Migration and Empire provides a unique comparison of the motives, means, and experiences of three main flows of empire migrants. During the nineteenth century, the proportion of UK migrants heading to empire destinations, especially to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, increased substantially and remained high. These migrants included so-called 'surplus women' and 'children in need', shipped overseas to ease perceived social problems at home. Empire migrants also included entrepreneurs and indentured labourers from south Asia, Africa, and the Pacific (together with others from the Far East,...
Migration and Empire provides a unique comparison of the motives, means, and experiences of three main flows of empire migrants. During the nineteenth...
Drawing on a range of contemporary evidence, Stephen Constantine studies the nature and causes of unemployment in Britain during the 1920s and 1930s, and analyzes the failure of successive inter-war governments to make a constructive response.
Drawing on a range of contemporary evidence, Stephen Constantine studies the nature and causes of unemployment in Britain during the 1920s and 1930s, ...
An understanding of Lloyd George's long and prominent political career elucidates many of the key issues in modern British history. Seen by some as the man who won the war', he was central to the political activity which appeared to secure the pre-eminence of the Liberal party before the First World War, but which later contributed to its reduction in status. His initiatives in government, particularly in the area of social reform, helped to redefine the relationship between the state and society and laid the basis for the Welfare State. This pamphlet examines these developments with...
An understanding of Lloyd George's long and prominent political career elucidates many of the key issues in modern British history. Seen by some as th...