Based on a unique industrial European membership, the European Oceanic Association, "non-profit Association has as its object the pooling of talents, resources and ex perience in the marine field with the purpose of promoting in Europe a concentration of efforts to foster the study and exploration of the seas in the light of their industrial exploitation" (articZe 2 of the statutes). The major concern of protecting the marine environment, whilst at the same time taking into consideration the present constraints on economic and industrial develop ment, has led the European Oceanic Association...
Based on a unique industrial European membership, the European Oceanic Association, "non-profit Association has as its object the pooling of talents, ...
Commission of the European Communities Dg For Energy, Dg Cec Dg Cec
The increasing scale and intensity of modern blast-furnace operation, combined with a simultaneous reduction in coke rate, have led to more stringent coke quality requirements with a greater emphasis on the coke's (1 2) role as a burden spacer ' Accordingly, coke quality data limited to chemical composition, initial size grading and ambient size stability are insufficient to predict the coke's behaviour in use. A realistic assess ment of the likely performance of coke should also take into consideration its resistance to degradation in the chemical and thermal environment of the blast...
The increasing scale and intensity of modern blast-furnace operation, combined with a simultaneous reduction in coke rate, have led to more stringent ...
Growing experimental evidence is beeing produced in support of the thesis that lipid pe, oxidation is an important mediator of both vascular and myocardial tissue derangement. Although the role of the free-radical system in human cardiovascular pathology remains speculative, nevertheless the potential implications of such a system in both pharmacological therapy and prevention of major cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias, justify the increasing interest of clinical cardiologists in this research area. Furthermore, present-day clinical...
Growing experimental evidence is beeing produced in support of the thesis that lipid pe, oxidation is an important mediator of both vascular and myoca...
The Permanent Inventory of AGricultural REsearch Projects (AGREP) is an information system on current projects in agriculture and related fields in the Member States of the European Communities (Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom).
The Permanent Inventory of AGricultural REsearch Projects (AGREP) is an information system on current projects in agriculture and related fields in th...