Cuantas almas gano para Cristo?Cuantas siguen fiel al Senor?Todas, algunas o muy pocas?Por que hay tantos que se apartan del evangelio?Unos cien anos atras, Satanas oculto la clave para el avivamiento y para abrir el corazon de los pecadores. Ahora, Ray Comfort se aparta de la "tradicion moderna" y osadamente nos llama a que volvamos a la evangelizacion biblica.Si esta experimentando frustracion por las almas perdidas, por los pecadores que no se arrepiente y por los creyentes que volvieron atras, este libro es para usted El enfoque radical del autor pudiera ser la dinamica que hace falta...
Cuantas almas gano para Cristo?Cuantas siguen fiel al Senor?Todas, algunas o muy pocas?Por que hay tantos que se apartan del evangelio?Unos cien anos ...
In the United States, 1.6 percent of the adult population, or more than 3 million people, will develop a panic disorder. People who are having panic attacks aren?t losing their minds and aren?t destined to be controlled by addictive prescription drugs. There is real hope. Ray Comfort has answers. He knows from firsthand experience that these practical principles are keys that unlock chains and open immovable doors. He knows because this bold evangelist, author, and television host was once the unlikely prisoner of debilitating panic attacks. Ray shares how he was able to: Conquer paralyzing,...
In the United States, 1.6 percent of the adult population, or more than 3 million people, will develop a panic disorder. People who are having panic a...
Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?
That's not what Jesus did.
Jesus was not afraid to shake people up. He spoke openly of their sinful nature and the righteousness of God. He forced people to confront their sin head-on, and he brought them face-to-face with their need for salvation.
"The Way of the Master will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear--the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone--friend, family member,...
Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?
Discover the Crucial Key Needed to Unlock the Unbeliever's Heart How many souls have you won to Christ? How many are still walking with the Lord? All? Some? A few?The facts are: * Evangelical success is at an all-time low.* We're producing more backsliders than true converts.* The fall-away rate--from large crusades to local churches--is between 80 and 90 percent.Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the Gospel? Doesn't the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? If so, where have we missed it? The answer may surprise you.Discover when, why, and how the...
Discover the Crucial Key Needed to Unlock the Unbeliever's Heart How many souls have you won to Christ? How many are still walking with the Lord? All?...
The book you hold in your hands says that our churches and our nation are in desperate need of biblical awakening and revival. It begins with the churches. In stark opposition to the quest to give our utmost for God's glory, as a whole, the modern evangelical movement has settled for a compromised form of Christianity. The book exposes the roots of this compromise, analyzes keys areas of church life where we have abandoned the biblical record, and offers a roadmap for revival and reformation.
The book you hold in your hands says that our churches and our nation are in desperate need of biblical awakening and revival. It begins with the chur...
Evangelismo hecho facil. Los animadores del programa de television y radio A la manera del maestro, Kirk Cameron y Ray Comfort, ofrecen esta forma de curriculo simple y flexible para iglesias y grupos pequenos que quieren obedecer el mandato en la Biblia de hablarles a otros de Jesus. Kirk y Ray guian a los participantes paso a paso a traves de su metodo directo de evangelismo, hecho famoso por su galardonado programa. Los que terminan el curso tendran todas las herramientas necesarias para superar su miedo y poder hablar de su fe a vecinos, amigos, companeros de trabajo y aun a extranos....
Evangelismo hecho facil. Los animadores del programa de television y radio A la manera del maestro, Kirk Cameron y Ray Comfort, ofrecen esta forma de ...
Commended by Josh McDowell, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Franklin Graham. Finalist in the 2002 Gold Medallion Book Awards. ''The Evidence Bible is one of the best resources available in the Christian market to date. This is a must have for any serious Bible student and a must read for all Christians. '' (Chuck Missler, Founder Koinonia House) ''Clearly the Holy Spirit led you as you brought this wonderful document together. I could not be more impressed . . . It is like having a loving, mature Christian elder standing by your shoulder as you read the Scriptures. It is exactly what is needed in...
Commended by Josh McDowell, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Franklin Graham. Finalist in the 2002 Gold Medallion Book Awards. ''The Evidence Bible is one of ...
Commended by Josh McDowell, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Franklin Graham. Finalist in the 2002 Gold Medallion Book Awards. ''The Evidence Bible is one of the best resources available in the Christian market to date. This is a must have for any serious Bible student and a must read for all Christians. '' (Chuck Missler, Founder Koinonia House) ''Clearly the Holy Spirit led you as you brought this wonderful document together. I could not be more impressed . . . It is like having a loving, mature Christian elder standing by your shoulder as you read the Scriptures. It is exactly what is needed in...
Commended by Josh McDowell, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Franklin Graham. Finalist in the 2002 Gold Medallion Book Awards. ''The Evidence Bible is one of ...