"O pure of heart thou need'st not ask of me What this strong music in the soul may be " One of the major figures of English Romanticism, Samuel Taylor Coleridge created works of remarkable diversity and imaginative genius. The period of his creative friendship with William Wordsworth inspired some of Coleridge's best-known poems, from the nightmarish vision of the "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and the opium-inspired "Kubla Khan" to the sombre passion of "Dejection: An Ode" and the medieval ballad "Christabel." His meditative 'conversation' poems, such as "Frost at Midnight" and...
"O pure of heart thou need'st not ask of me What this strong music in the soul may be " One of the major figures of English Romanticism, ...
Twenty-three poems that transformed English poetry
Wordsworth and Coleridge composed this powerful selection of poetry during their youthful and intimate friendship. Reproducing the first edition of 1798, this edition of Lyrical Ballads allows modern readers to recapture the book's original impact. In these poemsincluding Wordsworth's Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey and Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere the two poets exercised new energies and opened up new themes.
Twenty-three poems that transformed English poetry
Wordsworth and Coleridge composed this powerful selection of poetry during their youthfu...
This new volume demonstrates the extent and diversity of Coleridge's writings on the sublime. It highlights the development of his aesthetic of transcendence from an initial emphasis on the infinite progressiveness of humanity, through a fascination with landscape as half-revealing the infinite forces underlying it, and with literature as producing a similar feeling of the inexpressible, to an increasing emphasis on contemplating the ineffable nature of God, as well as the transcendent power of Reason or spiritual insight.
This new volume demonstrates the extent and diversity of Coleridge's writings on the sublime. It highlights the development of his aesthetic of transc...
When it was first published, Lyrical Ballads enraged the critics of the day: Wordsworth and Coleridge had given poetry a voice, one decidedly different to that which had been voiced before. This acclaimed Routledge Classics edition offers the reader the opportunity to study the poems in their original contexts as they appeared to Coleridge's and Wordsworth's contemporaries, and includes some of their most famous poems, including Coleridge's Rime of the Ancyent Marinere.
When it was first published, Lyrical Ballads enraged the critics of the day: Wordsworth and Coleridge had given poetry a voice, one decidedly...
Samuel Taylor Coleridge William Empson William Empson
The poems and poem fragments selected by Epson and Pirie represent the very best of Coleridges work. Many of Coleridge's poems are astounding successes, but for everyone of these there are also abysmal failures making it difficult for the layman to approach this leading Romantic without guidance. This volume contains the astounding successes, the guidance and none of the failures.
The poems and poem fragments selected by Epson and Pirie represent the very best of Coleridges work. Many of Coleridge's poems are astounding successe...
One of the great narrative poems in English, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is admired for its fluid meter and masterly structure, accurate observation of sensuous detail and mystic power. Coleridge asserted that his aim in writing the poem was to make the supernatural seem real. Now readers can enjoy this landmark of English literature and over twenty other poems by Coleridge in this inexpensive, authoritative edition. Included are two other famous narrative poems, "Kubla Khan" and "Christabel," along with a selection of sonnets, lyrics, and odes. Among these are the moving "Sonnet: To a...
One of the great narrative poems in English, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is admired for its fluid meter and masterly structure, accurate observa...
Poetry in its many guises is at the center of Coleridge's multifarious interests, and this long-awaited new edition of his complete poetical works marks the pinnacle of the Bollingen Collected Coleridge. The three parts of Volume 16 confirm and expand the sense of the Coleridge who has emerged over the past half-century, with implications for English Romantic writing as a whole. Setting new standards of comprehensiveness in the presentation of Romantic texts, they will interest historians and editorial theorists, as well as readers and students of poetry. They represent a work of truly...
Poetry in its many guises is at the center of Coleridge's multifarious interests, and this long-awaited new edition of his complete poetical works ...
Poetry in its many guises is at the center of Coleridge's multifarious interests, and this long-awaited new edition of his complete poetical works marks the pinnacle of the Bollingen Collected Coleridge. The three parts of Volume 16 confirm and expand the sense of the Coleridge who has emerged over the past half-century, with implications for English Romantic writing as a whole. Setting new standards of comprehensiveness in the presentation of Romantic texts, they will interest historians and editorial theorists, as well as readers and students of poetry. They represent a work of truly...
Poetry in its many guises is at the center of Coleridge's multifarious interests, and this long-awaited new edition of his complete poetical works ...
In his introduction to this edition of Coleridge's Marginalia, the late George Whalley wrote, ''There is no body of marginalia--in English, or perhaps in any other language--comparable with Coleridge's in range and variety and in the sensitiveness, scope, and depth of his reaction to what he was reading.'' The Princeton edition of the Marginalia, of which this is the sixth volume, brings together over eight thousand notes, many never before printed, varying from a single word to substantial essays. In alphabetical order of authors, the notes are presented literatim from the...
In his introduction to this edition of Coleridge's Marginalia, the late George Whalley wrote, ''There is no body of marginalia--in English, ...
During the winter of 1818-1819, Samuel Taylor Coleridge gave fourteen lectures on the history of philosophy. A shorthand writer took down twelve of them in the most detailed version of Coleridge's lectures known to exist. The transcriptions are imperfect and inaccurate in various ways, but, when they are combined with Coleridge's own notes, as in this edition, the result is a coherent and largely complete whole.
The lectures contain Coleridge's interpretation of the history of philosophy. He opposed the idea, widely accepted at the time, that the philosophy of the Enlightenment...
During the winter of 1818-1819, Samuel Taylor Coleridge gave fourteen lectures on the history of philosophy. A shorthand writer took down twelve of...