Combine a Scott Adams workplace with Chelsea Handler's attitude and David Sedaris' view for a bumpy, hilarious ride through this short story collection. Noreen Natale writes about working, not working, smiling dogs and other curious observations. This is a must have for your leisure reading collection.
Combine a Scott Adams workplace with Chelsea Handler's attitude and David Sedaris' view for a bumpy, hilarious ride through this short story collectio...
Brain in Pain gives a first-hand view of the world of schizophrenia and challenges the stigma surrounding mental illness. Written by Peter Cohen, Brain in Pain is an invaluable window into his compelling world. Both candid and vivid, Cohen describes his experience of living and coping with a psychosis. His book will interest anyone who has struggled with adversity and made the most of it. In Cohen's words, "The book gives a brief autobiography, then goes into some of the work that I have done, living and coping with a mental illness and preventing and ameliorating schizophrenia and also hope...
Brain in Pain gives a first-hand view of the world of schizophrenia and challenges the stigma surrounding mental illness. Written by Peter Cohen, Brai...