Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education brings together the combined wisdom of a diverse group of experts involved with early childhood mathematics. The book originates from the landmark 2000 Conference on Standards for Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten Mathematics Education, attended by representatives from almost every state developing standards for young children's mathematics; federal government officials; mathematicians; mathematics educators; researchers from mathematics education, early childhood education, and psychology;...
Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education brings together the combined wisdom of a diverse gr...
The purpose of this special issue is to present several research perspectives on learning trajectories with the intention of encouraging the broader community to reflect on, better define, adopt, adapt, or challenge the concept. The issue begins by briefly introducing learning trajectories. The remaining articles provide elaboration, examples, and discussion of the construct. They purposefully are intended to be illustrative, exploratory, and provocative with regard to learning trajectories construct; they are not a set of verification studies.
The purpose of this special issue is to present several research perspectives on learning trajectories with the intention of encouraging the broader c...