The private letters of Truman Capote, lovingly assembled here for the first time by acclaimed Capote biographer Gerald Clarke, provide an intimate, unvarnished portrait of one of the twentieth century's most colorful and fascinating literary figures. Capote was an inveterate letter writer. He wrote letters as he spoke: emphatically, spontaneously, and passionately. Spanning more than four decades, his letters are the closest thing we have to a Capote autobiography, showing us the uncannily self-possessed naif who jumped headlong into the post-World War II New York literary scene; the...
The private letters of Truman Capote, lovingly assembled here for the first time by acclaimed Capote biographer Gerald Clarke, provide an intimate,...
She lived at full throttle on stage, screen, and in real life, with highs that made history and lows that finally brought down the curtain at age forty-seven. Judy Garland died over thirty years ago, but no biography has so completely captured her spirit -- and demons -- until now.
From her tumultuous early years as a child performer to her tragic last days, Gerald Clarke reveals the authentic Judy in a biography rich in new detail and unprecedented revelations. Based on hundreds of interviews and drawing on her own unfinished -- and unpublished -- autobiography, Get Happy presents...
She lived at full throttle on stage, screen, and in real life, with highs that made history and lows that finally brought down the curtain at age fort...
Stephen Rogers' five-year-old daughter, Jamie, has beaten her cancer. This much he knows for certain. But when she dies of uncontrolled seizures in the high tech MRI machine, he just cannot accept that her cancer had returned. Their doctor, Colleen O'Brian, must decide to help this radical commodities trader solve his daughter's death, or trust her superiors at the hospital. Her life and many others depend on her decision. Has a virus infected the MRI scanner at Daley Children's Hospital?
Stephen Rogers' five-year-old daughter, Jamie, has beaten her cancer. This much he knows for certain. But when she dies of uncontrolled seizures in th...
An American original, Truman Capote was one of the best writers of his generation, a superb and almost matchless stylist. His short stories made him a literary celebrity while still in his teens, and for the next thirty years he was a comet of genius, fame, and finally self-destruction. His first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms, published in 1948, was followed ten years later by Breakfast at Tiffany's, which introduced to the world one of American literature's most endearing heroines, the irrepressible Holly Golightly. In the 1960s came the phenomenal success of In Cold...
An American original, Truman Capote was one of the best writers of his generation, a superb and almost matchless stylist. His short stories made him a...