"Only in the darkest of hours will a few seriously entertain the haunting possibility, almost unthinkable, that at the end of the day our best sense of the world, and of what is abidingly good, is an error." Does then the universe really have a guiding moral structure which is at once integral to the quality of human life? Empirical Realism is Clark's sustained, challenging and original argument for moral realism, one which not only provides the badly needed account of normativity of what it is exactly that constitutes genuine moral obligation but which also anchors that account within a...
"Only in the darkest of hours will a few seriously entertain the haunting possibility, almost unthinkable, that at the end of the day our best sense o...
Is one position on abortion always moral and another always immoral? How should Christians use Scripture to make decisions about integrity? Has God given a 'natural law' that governs all people everywhere? Answers to such questions may differ widely, even among evangelical Christians. This can be confusing and disturbing when secular and Christian worldviews collide over matters that seem to brook no compromise.
Is one position on abortion always moral and another always immoral? How should Christians use Scripture to make decisions about integrity? Has God gi...