In this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller, author Tom Clancy takes readers into the shadowy world of anti-terrorism and gets closer to reality than any government would care to admit...
Ex-Navy SEAL John Clark has been named the head of Rainbow, an international task force dedicated to combating terrorism. In a trial by fire, Clark is confronted with a violent chain of seemingly separate international incidents. But there is no way to predict the real threat: a group of terrorists like none the world has ever encountered, a band of men and women so extreme that...
In this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller, author Tom Clancy takes readers into the shadowy world of anti-terrorism and gets closer to ...
They are sent to the world's hot spots-on covert missions fraught with danger. They are called on to perform at the peak of their physical and mental capabilities, primed for combat and surveillance, yet ready to pitch in with disaster relief operations. They are the Army's Special Forces Groups. Now follow Tom Clancy as he delves into the training and tools, missions and mindset of these elite operatives. Special Forces includes:
The making of Special Forces personnel: recruitment and training
A rare look at actual Special Forces Group deployment...
They are sent to the world's hot spots-on covert missions fraught with danger. They are called on to perform at the peak of their physical and mental ...
A computer game convention becomes a hunting ground when the monsters from a new game escape and attack two members of the Net Force Explorers in virtual reality. Though nobody believes the danger is real, Matt and Maj call in the rest of the Explorers to discover who is behind the deadly rampage.
A computer game convention becomes a hunting ground when the monsters from a new game escape and attack two members of the Net Force Explorers in virt...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of Op-Centercomes a different kind of law enforcement.
In the year 2010, computers are the new superpowers. Those who control them, control the world. To enforce the Net Laws, Congress creates the ultimate computer security agency within the FBI: the Net Force(R).
It's the rich man's drug of choice--and it's being sold on the Internet for a thousand dollars per capsule. A potent mixture of smart drugs, psychedelics, angel dust, and steroids, it can turn a fifty-year-old into a raging beast of aggression and sexual...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of Op-Centercomes a different kind of law enforcement.
President Jack Ryan faces a world crisis unlike any he has ever known in Tom Clancy's extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller. A high-level assassination attempt in Russia has the newly elected Ryan sending his most trusted eyes and ears--including antiterrorism specialist John Clark--to Moscow, for he fears the worst is yet to come. And he's right. The attempt has left the already unstable Russia vulnerable to ambitious forces in China eager to fulfill their destiny--and change the face of the world as we know it...
President Jack Ryan faces a world crisis unlike any he has ever known in Tom Clancy's extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller. A ...
Unspoiled. Uninhabited. Under attack... On the wind-swept, ice-covered continent of Antarctica, Roger Gordian's UpLink Technologies has established a scientific research facility called Cold Corners. But its testing of potential robotic landing craft for use on Mars is disrupted when one of the rovers disappears--along with the repair team sent out after it. Fear of discovery has prompted a renegade consortium--that is illegally using Antarctica as a nuclear waste dump--to wipe out the UpLink base. Now, the men and women of Cold Corners have only themselves to rely on as the...
Unspoiled. Uninhabited. Under attack... On the wind-swept, ice-covered continent of Antarctica, Roger Gordian's UpLink Technologies has establishe...
Only the author of The Hunt for Red October could capture the reality of life aboard a nuclear submarine. Only a writer of Clancy's magnitude could obtain security clearance for information, diagrams, and photographs never before available to the public. Now, every civilian can enter this top secret world and experience the drama and excitement of this stunning technological achievement...the weapons, the procedures, the people themselves...the startling facts behind the fiction that made Tom Clancy a #1 bestseller.
Submarine includes:
Exclusive photographs,...
Only the author of The Hunt for Red October could capture the reality of life aboard a nuclear submarine. Only a writer of Clancy's magnitude c...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of Op-Center comes a different kind of law enforcement.
In the year 2010, computers are the new superpowers. Those who control them control the world. To enforce the Net Laws, Congress creates the ultimate computer security agency within the FBI: Net Force(R).
Minor viruses are eating away at the Net Force computers. The e-mail shut-downs and flickering monitors are hardly emergencies--but they've been keeping the tech department hopping. Same with the sudden rash of time-consuming lawsuits. No one in...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of Op-Center comes a different kind of law enforcement.
An unconventional war requires unconventional men--the Special Forces.
Green Berets - Navy SEALS - Rangers - Air Force Special Operations - PsyOps - Civil Affairs - and other special-mission units
The first two Commanders books, Every Man a Tiger and Into the Storm, provided masterly blends of history, biography, you-are-there narrative, insight into the practice of leadership, and plain old-fashioned storytelling. Shadow Warriors is all of that and more, a book of uncommon timeliness, for, in the words of Lieutenant General Bill Yarborough, -there are...
An unconventional war requires unconventional men--the Special Forces.
Green Berets - Navy SEALS - Rangers - Air Force Special Operati...
Only the author of The Hunt for Red October could capture the reality of life aboard a nuclear submarine. Only a writer of Mr. Clancy's magnitude could obtain security clearance for information, diagrams, and photographs never before available to the public. Now, every civilian can enter this top secret world...the weapons, the procedures, the people themselves...the startling facts behind the fiction that made Tom Clancy a #1 bestselling author.
Only the author of The Hunt for Red October could capture the reality of life aboard a nuclear submarine. Only a writer of Mr. Clancy's magnitu...