This splendid anthology offers an engaging journey through four centuries of North Carolina life. It draws on a wealth of sources--histories, biographies, diaries, novels, short stories, newspapers, and magazines--to show how North Carolina's rich history and remarkable literary achievements cut across economic and racial lines in often surprising ways. There are selections by or about some of the state's best-known sons and daughters, from Daniel Boone and Andrew Jackson to Ava Gardner, Doris Betts, and Tom Wicker; and topics covered include politics, sports, business, family life,...
This splendid anthology offers an engaging journey through four centuries of North Carolina life. It draws on a wealth of sources--histories, biograph...
The history of an important newspaper is almost by definition a political, economic, and social history of the region it serves as well as the human drama of the people whose visions, talents, and labors shaped it over the years. Jack Claiborne combines these elements in The Charlotte Observer, a narrative that traces the development of the largest newpaper in the Carolinas from Reconstruction to the present.
A business-oriented paper from the outset, the Observer began as a four-page, single-sheet publication, printed and folded by hand and distributed mostly by train....
The history of an important newspaper is almost by definition a political, economic, and social history of the region it serves as well as the human d...