The best-selling coming-of-age classic, acclaimed by critics, beloved by readers of all ages, taught in schools and universities alike, and translated around the world.
The House on Mango Street is the remarkable story of Esperanza Cordero, a young Latina girl growing up in Chicago, inventing for herself who and what she will become. Told in a series of vignettes--sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous--Sandra Cisneros' masterpiece is a classic story of childhood and self-discovery. Few other books in our time have touched so many readers.
The best-selling coming-of-age classic, acclaimed by critics, beloved by readers of all ages, taught in schools and universities alike, and transla...
A collection of stories, whose characters give voice to the vibrant and varied life on both sides of the Mexican border. The women in these stories offer tales of pure discovery, filled with moments of infinite and intimate wisdom.
A collection of stories, whose characters give voice to the vibrant and varied life on both sides of the Mexican border. The women in these stories of...
A candid, sexy and wonderfully mood-strewn collection of poetry that celebrates the female aspects of love, from the reflective to the overtly erotic. -Poignant, sexy. . . lyrical, passionate. . . cool and delicate. . . hot as a chili pepper.---Boston Globe.
A candid, sexy and wonderfully mood-strewn collection of poetry that celebrates the female aspects of love, from the reflective to the overtly erotic....
La gran aclamada coleccion de cuentos de la autora de La casa en Mango Street esta ahora disponible en edicion en espanol. El arroyo de la llorona y otros cuentos le da vida a una asombrosa variedad de personajes y, como La casa en Mango Street, promete convertirse en un libro apreciado por lectores alrededor del mundo.
La gran aclamada coleccion de cuentos de la autora de La casa en Mango Street esta ahora disponible en edicion en espanol. El arroyo de l...
This jewel-like vignette from Sandra Cisneros's best-selling The House on Mango Street shows, through simple, intimate portraits, the diversity among us.
A Dragonfly Book in English and Spanish.
A Parenting Magazine Best Children's Book of the Year
----------- Un excelente constructor de vocabulario, con nombres de objetos en Inglés y en Español, acompañados por ilustraciones, agrupados por tópicos como colores, juguetes, animales y herramientas.
This jewel-like vignette from Sandra Cisneros's best-selling The House on Mango Street shows, through simple, intimate portraits, the diversity among ...
DISPONIBLE POR PRIMERA VEZ EN EBOOK La celebre autora de La casa en Mango Street, nos ofrece una nueva y extraordinaria novela narrada en un lenguaje de una originalidad arro-lladora: es la historia de varias generaciones de una familia mexicoamericana cuyas voces crean un des-lumbrante y vivo tapiz de humor y de pasion, hecho con la esencia misma de la vida. La abuela de Lala Reyes es descendiente de una familia de afamados reboceros. El rebozo de rayas color caramelo es el mas bello de todos y aquel que llega a pertenecer a Lala, al igual que la historia familiar que este...
DISPONIBLE POR PRIMERA VEZ EN EBOOK La celebre autora de La casa en Mango Street, nos ofrece una nueva y extraordinaria novela narrada en un le...
Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions.
"Sandra Cisneros knows both that the heart can be broken and that it can rise and soar like a bird. Whatever story she chooses to tell, we should be listening for a long time to come." --The Washington Post Book World
A winner of the PEN Center West Award for Best Fiction and the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, Sandra Cisneros evokes working-class Latino experience with an irresistible mix of realism and lyrical exuberance.
Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions.
"Days and Nights succeeds not only because of its socio-political authenticity and lyrical style but because of its interweaving of anger and tenderness, elation and sorrow." --The Nation
Days and Nights of Love and War is the personal testimony of one of Latin America's foremost contemporary political writers. In this fascinating journal and eloquent history, Eduardo Galeano movingly records the lives of struggles of the Latin American people, under two decades of unimaginable violence and extreme repression. Alternating between reportage, personal vignettes,...
"Days and Nights succeeds not only because of its socio-political authenticity and lyrical style but because of its interweaving of anger and tende...
B Europischer Referenzrahmen: B1/B I Espacios literarios/I - die neue Reihe fr literarische Ganzschriften in spanischer Sprache fr die Sekundarstufe II. B Praxisorientierung/B I Espacios literarios/I richtet sich passgenau nach den zentralen Abiturvorgaben. Die lesefreundliche Typografie und die Vokabelannotationen auf jeder Seite untersttzen den Lesefluss. B Transparenz/B Jedem Sinnabschnitt folgen Aufgaben, die gezielt auf das Abitur vorbereiten. Das Material im Anhang regt zur Reflexion ber den Lektretext an. Die B Handreichungen/B liefern kurze inhaltliche...
B Europischer Referenzrahmen: B1/B I Espacios literarios/I - die neue Reihe fr literarische Ganzschriften in spanischer Sprache fr die Sekundarst...