The objective of Volume II is to show how asymptotic methods, with the thickness as the small parameter, indeed provide a powerful means of justifying two-dimensional plate theories. More specifically, without any recourse to any a priori assumptions of a geometrical or mechanical nature, it is shown that in the linear case, the three-dimensional displacements, once properly scaled, converge in H1 towards a limit that satisfies the well-known two-dimensional equations of the linear Kirchhoff-Love theory; the convergence of stress is also established.
In the...
The objective of Volume II is to show how asymptotic methods, with the thickness as the small parameter, indeed provide a powerful means of justifying...
The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems is the only book available that fully analyzes the mathematical foundations of the finite element method. It is a valuable reference and introduction to current research on the numerical analysis of the finite element method, and also a working textbook for graduate courses in numerical analysis. It includes many useful figures, as well as exercises of varying difficulty. Although nearly 25 years have passed since this book was first published, the majority of its content remains up-to-date. Chapters 1 through 6, which cover the basic error...
The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems is the only book available that fully analyzes the mathematical foundations of the finite element meth...
Mathematical finance is a prolific scientific domain in which there exists a particular characteristic of developing both advanced theories and practical techniques simultaneously. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Finance addresses the three most important aspects in the field: mathematical models, computational methods, and applications, and provides a solid overview of major new ideas and results in the three domains.
Coverage of all aspects of quantitative finance including models, computational methods and applications
Provides an overview of new...
Mathematical finance is a prolific scientific domain in which there exists a particular characteristic of developing both advanced theories and practi...
This book provides a survey of the frontiers of research in the numerical modeling and mathematical analysis used in the study of the atmosphere and oceans. The details of the current practices in global atmospheric and ocean models, the assimilation of observational data into such models and the numerical techniques used in theoretical analysis of the atmosphere and ocean are among the topics covered.
- Truly interdisciplinary: scientific interactions between specialties of atmospheric and ocean sciences and applied and computational mathematics - Uses the approach of computational...
This book provides a survey of the frontiers of research in the numerical modeling and mathematical analysis used in the study of the atmosphere and o...
curvilinear coordinates. This treatment includes in particular a direct proof of the three-dimensional Korn inequality in curvilinear coordinates. The fourth and last chapter, which heavily relies on Chapter 2, begins by a detailed description of the nonlinear and linear equations proposed by W.T. Koiter for modeling thin elastic shells. These equations are two-dimensional, in the sense that they are expressed in terms of two curvilinear coordinates used for de?ning the middle surface of the shell. The existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions to the linear Koiter equations is then...
curvilinear coordinates. This treatment includes in particular a direct proof of the three-dimensional Korn inequality in curvilinear coordinates. The...
Essential Computational Modeling for the Human Body presents key contributions selected from the volume in the Handbook of Numerical Analysis: Computational Modeling for the Human Body Vol. 12 (2005).
Computational (Mathematical) Modeling is used by scientists and researchers with various applications in chemical, biological, behavioral, environmental sciences, etc. This guide presents essential research techniques for analysis and essential concrete examples of computational models, while supplying a wide range of commonly used methods and applications, followed by various...
Essential Computational Modeling for the Human Body presents key contributions selected from the volume in the Handbook of Numerical Analysis: Comp...
Essential Computational Modeling in Chemistry presents key contributions selected from the volume in the Handbook of Numerical Analysis: Computational Modeling in Chemistry Vol. 10(2005).
Computational Modeling is an active field of scientific computing at the crossroads between Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Sophisticated mathematical models are increasingly complex and extensive computer simulations are on the rise. Numerical Analysis and scientific software have emerged as essential steps for validating mathematical models and simulations based on...
Essential Computational Modeling in Chemistry presents key contributions selected from the volume in the Handbook of Numerical Analysis: Computatio...
Non-Newtonian flows and their numerical simulations have generated an abundant literature, as well as many publications and references to which can be found in this volume's articles. This abundance of publications can be explained by the fact that non-Newtonian fluids occur in many real life situations: the food industry, oil & gas industry, chemical, civil and mechanical engineering, the bio-Sciences, to name just a few. Mathematical and numerical analysis of non-Newtonian fluid flow models provide challenging problems to partial differential equations specialists and applied...
Non-Newtonian flows and their numerical simulations have generated an abundant literature, as well as many publications and references to which can...
Herbert Edelsbrunner Philippe G. Ciarlet A. Iserles
This book combines mathematics (geometry and topology), computer science (algorithms), and engineering (mesh generation) in order to solve the conceptual and technical problems in the combining of elements of combinatorial and numerical algorithms. The book develops methods from areas that are amenable to combination and explains recent breakthrough solutions to meshing that fit into this category. It should be an ideal graduate text for courses on mesh generation. The specific material is selected giving preference to topics that are elementary, attractive, lend themselves to teaching, are...
This book combines mathematics (geometry and topology), computer science (algorithms), and engineering (mesh generation) in order to solve the concept...
curvilinear coordinates. This treatment includes in particular a direct proof of the three-dimensional Korn inequality in curvilinear coordinates. The fourth and last chapter, which heavily relies on Chapter 2, begins by a detailed description of the nonlinear and linear equations proposed by W.T. Koiter for modeling thin elastic shells. These equations are two-dimensional, in the sense that they are expressed in terms of two curvilinear coordinates used for de?ning the middle surface of the shell. The existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions to the linear Koiter equations is then...
curvilinear coordinates. This treatment includes in particular a direct proof of the three-dimensional Korn inequality in curvilinear coordinates. The...