Increasingly, the challenge of management is to create and supply knowledge in order to sustain organizational performance. However, few books on management strategy have been written using this concept as a foundation. This unique volume adopts a knowledge-based approach that will complement and perhaps supplant other perspectives. Editors Nick Bontis and Chun Wei Choo look at the literature through the lens of strategic management and from the vantage point of organizational science. The thirty readings have been carefully selected and commissioned to provide the best literature...
Increasingly, the challenge of management is to create and supply knowledge in order to sustain organizational performance. However, few books on mana...
Integrating new research and examples throughout, the second edition of The Knowing Organization links the broad areas of organizational behavior and information management. It looks at how organizations behave as information-seeking, information-creating, and information-using communities and introduces a unifying framework to show how organizations create meaning, knowledge, and action. The book provides a model of how organizations use information strategically to adapt to external change and to foster internal growth. This model examines how people and groups within...
Integrating new research and examples throughout, the second edition of The Knowing Organization links the broad areas of organizational beha...
This book brings together three great motifs of the network society: the seeking and using of information by individuals and groups; the creation and application of knowledge in organizations; and the fundamental transformation of these activities as they are enacted on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Of the three, the study of how individuals and groups seek information probably has the longest history, beginning with the early "information needs and uses" studies soon after the Second World War. The study of organizations as knowledge-based social systems is much more recent, and...
This book brings together three great motifs of the network society: the seeking and using of information by individuals and groups; the creation and ...
Organizations behave as knowledge-seeking communities when their members share beliefs about cause-and-effect relationships, norms for evaluating information, and values that guide the translation of knowledge to practice. What are the practices, arrangements, and mechanisms that make up how an organization knows what it knows? What are the underlying values and norms that shape the character and orientation of these methods? What can we learn from failures and disasters in organizational learning -- and how do organizations become susceptible to common learning traps such as the...
Organizations behave as knowledge-seeking communities when their members share beliefs about cause-and-effect relationships, norms for evaluating info...