Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors for agricultural productivity worldwide. These stresses impact not only current crop species, they are also significant barriers to the introduction of crop plants into areas that are not currently being used for agriculture. Stresses associated with temperature, salinity and drought, singly or in combination, are likely to enhance the severity of problems to which plants will be exposed in the coming decades. The present book brings together contributions from many laboratories around the world to discuss and compare our...
Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors for agricultural productivity worldwide. These stresses impact not only current crop specie...
Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors for agricultural productivity worldwide. These stresses impact not only current crop species, they are also significant barriers to the introduction of crop plants into areas that are not currently being used for agriculture. Stresses associated with temperature, salinity and drought, singly or in combination, are likely to enhance the severity of problems to which plants will be exposed in the coming decades. The present book brings together contributions from many laboratories around the world to discuss and compare our...
Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors for agricultural productivity worldwide. These stresses impact not only current crop specie...
Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors to agricultural productivity worldwide. Their impact is not only on presently cultivated crops, they are also significant barriers to the introduction of crop plants in noncultivated areas. A significant global problem in the improvement of agriculture is the major variation in annual crop yields due to variations in environmental stresses such as drought, flooding, salinity, and temperature variations. This summary presents current background and research knowledge on all important environmental stresses and their respective...
Environmental stresses represent the most limiting factors to agricultural productivity worldwide. Their impact is not only on presently cultivated cr...
Environmental stresses, such as high and low temperature, salinity, and drought, represent limiting factors to agricultural productivity worldwide. Their impact is not only on crops that are presently being cultivated, but they are also significant barriers to the introduction of crop plants into noncultivated areas. The book describes the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms in plants that regulate tolerance to stresses. Also discussed are prospects of engineering stress-tolerant plants through the modification of germplasm.
Environmental stresses, such as high and low temperature, salinity, and drought, represent limiting factors to agricultural productivity worldwide. Th...