In its early phase, Subaltern Studies dealt extensively with the issue of community and violence in the context of peasant uprisings. The present volume concentrates on gender and national politics and introduces a wide range of new issues raised by the relations between community, gender and violence.
In its early phase, Subaltern Studies dealt extensively with the issue of community and violence in the context of peasant uprisings. The present volu...
In its early phase, Subaltern Studies dealt extensively with the issue of community and violence in the context of peasant uprisings. The present volume concentrates on gender and national politics and introduces a wide range of new issues raised by the relations between community, gender and violence.
In its early phase, Subaltern Studies dealt extensively with the issue of community and violence in the context of peasant uprisings. The present volu...
Often dismissed as the rumblings of "the street," popular politics is where political modernity is being formed today, according to Partha Chatterjee. The rise of mass politics all over the world in the twentieth century led to the development of new techniques of governing population groups. On the one hand, the idea of popular sovereignty has gained wide acceptance. On the other hand, the proliferation of security and welfare technologies has created modern governmental bodies that administer populations, but do not provide citizens with an arena for democratic deliberation. Under these...
Often dismissed as the rumblings of "the street," popular politics is where political modernity is being formed today, according to Partha Chatterjee....
In this book, the prominent theorist Partha Chatterjee looks at the creative and powerful results of the nationalist imagination in Asia and Africa that are posited not on identity but on difference with the nationalism propagated by the West. Arguing that scholars have been mistaken in equating political nationalism with nationalism as such, he shows how anticolonialist nationalists produced their own domain of sovereignty within colonial society well before beginning their political battle with the imperial power. These nationalists divided their culture into material and spiritual...
In this book, the prominent theorist Partha Chatterjee looks at the creative and powerful results of the nationalist imagination in Asia and Africa...
In 1921 a traveling religious man appeared in eastern British Bengal. Soon residents began to identify this half-naked and ash-smeared sannyasi as none other than the Second Kumar of Bhawal--a man believed to have died twelve years earlier, at the age of twenty-six. So began one of the most extraordinary legal cases in Indian history. The case would rivet popular attention for several decades as it unwound in courts from Dhaka and Calcutta to London.
This narrative history tells an incredible story replete with courtroom drama, sexual debauchery, family intrigue, and squandered...
In 1921 a traveling religious man appeared in eastern British Bengal. Soon residents began to identify this half-naked and ash-smeared sannyasi as ...
Scholars from the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in Calcutta explore t genealogy of India's contemporary intellectual modernity, concentrating on Bengal the first modern province. The topics include colonial and nationalist literature, art, politics, child rearing, historical memory, and th
Scholars from the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in Calcutta explore t genealogy of India's contemporary intellectual modernity, concentrating ...
The essays in this volume bring together historians and anthropologists to reflect on the place of history within present-day conditions. The central focus here is on aspects of the popular, on the ways in which the popular relates to the scientific, the professional, the aesthetic, the religious, the legal and the political. These essays represent a critique of the disciplinary practices of history. They examine the historian's practices and assumptions, being mainly concerned with finding a set of practices of history-writing that are both truthful and ethical. They are united by the...
The essays in this volume bring together historians and anthropologists to reflect on the place of history within present-day conditions. The centr...
The Little Clay Cart is, for Sanskrit theatre, atypically romantic, funny, and thrilling. This most human of Sanskrit plays is Shakespearian in its skilful drawing of characters and in the plot s direct clarity. One of the earliest Sanskrit dramas, Little Clay Cart was created in South India, perhaps in the seventh century CE. Set in the city of Ujjain, so secular and universal is the story that it can be situated in any society, and it has, including in Bollywood film and by the BBC. Charu datta, a bankrupt married merchant, is extramaritally involved with a wealthy courtesan, Vasanta...
The Little Clay Cart is, for Sanskrit theatre, atypically romantic, funny, and thrilling. This most human of Sanskrit plays is Shakespearian in its...
Partha Chatterjee is one of the world's greatest living theorists on the political, cultural, and intellectual history of nationalism. Beginning in the 1980s, his work, particularly within the context of India, has served as the foundation for subaltern studies, an area of scholarship he continues to develop.
In this collection, English-speaking readers are finally able to experience the breadth and substance of Chatterjee's wide-ranging thought. His provocative essays examine the phenomenon of postcolonial democracy and establish the parameters for research in subaltern politics. They...
Partha Chatterjee is one of the world's greatest living theorists on the political, cultural, and intellectual history of nationalism. Beginning in th...