Sooner or later, we all become disillusioned with this fallen world as we encounter life's difficulties. But Christians have hope, a promise from God: "Behold, I make all things new "-Revelation 21:5. Authors Steven Curtis Chapman and Scotty Smith explore this bold proclamation of God's commitment to redeem and restore all things through His Son, Jesus Christ. They also reveal the important role Christians play in this redemptive process.
Sooner or later, we all become disillusioned with this fallen world as we encounter life's difficulties. But Christians have hope, a promise from God:...
When Dr. Reggie Anderson is present at the bedside of a dying patient, something miraculous happens. Sometimes as he sits vigil and holds the patient's hand . . . he can experience what they feel and see as they cross over. Because of these God-given glimpses of the afterlife--his -appointments with heaven---Reggie knows beyond a doubt that we are closer to the next world than we think. Join him as he shares remarkable stories from his life and practice, including the tragedy that nearly drove him away from faith forever. He reveals how what he's seen, heard, and experienced has shaped what...
When Dr. Reggie Anderson is present at the bedside of a dying patient, something miraculous happens. Sometimes as he sits vigil and holds the patient'...