Combining Indian myths, epic history, and the story of three college kids in search of America, a narrative includes the monkey's story of an Indian poet and warrior and an American road novel of college students driving cross-country.
Combining Indian myths, epic history, and the story of three college kids in search of America, a narrative includes the monkey's story of an Indian p...
Inspektor Sartaj Singh, Melancholiker und Frauenheld wider Willen, wird jh aus seinem Alltag gerissen: Ein anonymer Anrufer setzt ihn auf die Spur Ganesh Gaitondes, des meistgesuchten Gangsters Indiens. Die Ermittlungen fhren Sartaj vom Markt der Diebe in die Studios von Film City, von Table-Dance-Bars aufs Parkett der internationalen Spionage. Immer tiefer dringt er in die Welt des gefrchteten Gaitonde vor und gert schlielich in Gewissens- und Loyalittskonflikte. Ein spannender Kriminalroman vor dem Hintergrund eines farbenprchtigen Panoramas des heutigen Indiens zwischen Tradition und...
Inspektor Sartaj Singh, Melancholiker und Frauenheld wider Willen, wird jh aus seinem Alltag gerissen: Ein anonymer Anrufer setzt ihn auf die Spur Gan...
The nonfiction debut from the author of the international bestseller "Sacred Games" about the surprising overlap between writing and computer coding
Vikram Chandra has been a computer programmer for almost as long as he has been a novelist. In this extraordinary new book, his first work of nonfiction, he searches for the connections between the worlds of art and technology. Coders are obsessed with elegance and style, just as writers are, but do the words mean the same thing to both? Can we ascribe beauty to the craft of writing code? Exploring such varied topics as logic gates and...
The nonfiction debut from the author of the international bestseller "Sacred Games" about the surprising overlap between writing and computer codin...