Father Joseph Champlin adapts the Stations from the ones used by Pope John Paul II at the Roman Colosseum on Good Friday 1991.
There are 15 stations, including the Resurrection. Based on the events in the Gospels, each station is accompanied by specific Gospel readings. Each of the prayer responses is taken from a portion of the psalms. Father Champlin includes new stations, in addition to some of the traditional ones.
Father Joseph Champlin adapts the Stations from the ones used by Pope John Paul II at the Roman Colosseum on Good Friday 1991.
Popular author Fr. Joseph M. Champlin offers opportunities for guided reflection, sharing, and prayer that reinforce many of
Pastor Rick Warren's points with additional commentaries on areas in which Catholic teaching varies. A Catholic Perspective on the Purpose Driven Life is a companion guide that follows Warren's
forty-day process.
Popular author Fr. Joseph M. Champlin offers opportunities for guided reflection, sharing, and prayer that reinforce many of
Pastor Rick Warren's...
Durante muchos anos Juntos para toda la vida ha respondido a una necesidad de lasparroquias y de parejas comprometidas. Despues de analizar las necesidades einquietudes de futuros esposos por mas de tres anos, esta quinta edicionconserva su formato original, pero incorpora reflexiones pedidas o sugeridaspor ellos mismos, incluyendo ademas un rico material catequetico. La nuevaversion contiene ademas los textos de la tercera edicion del Misal Romano. Sehan aprovechado las reflexiones de las anteriores versiones, si bien algunos de ellos hansido sustituidos por otros de mayor actualidad....
Durante muchos anos Juntos para toda la vida ha respondido a una necesidad de lasparroquias y de parejas comprometidas. Despues de analizar las nec...