This is the first book to provide an in-depth study of the juvenile transfer process. Criminal justice's get tough policy has led to greater use of this process which, on the surface, transfers persistent juvenile offenders to criminal court jurisdiction in order to impose more serious penalties. The implications of this growing phenomenon are increasingly important for both the juvenile and criminal court systems. Champion and Mays' analysis includes descriptions of juvenile courts, types of offenders processed by these courts, and characteristic outcomes of transfers. Examining the...
This is the first book to provide an in-depth study of the juvenile transfer process. Criminal justice's get tough policy has led to greater use of...
Champion, an expert on criminal behavior, paroling, and sentencing, assesses how the justice system makes critical decisions about offender risks and needs. This sourcebook evaluates the instruments and methods used by local, state, and federal authorities at different stages and in different environments to handle both adult and juvenile offenders. Criminologists, penologists, and law enforcement personnel will see ways to optimize institutional classifications and parole board decisions, and to deal appropriately with various types of offenders. Appendices and a comprehensive...
Champion, an expert on criminal behavior, paroling, and sentencing, assesses how the justice system makes critical decisions about offender risks a...
This reference divides into two sections; part one is a dictionary that takes an interdisciplinary approach in explaining the American criminal justice system. It describes legal and judicial terminology, and lists leading theorists of criminology along with a synopsis of, and extracts from, their major written works.
This reference divides into two sections; part one is a dictionary that takes an interdisciplinary approach in explaining the American criminal justic...
A distinguished scholar has responded to generic issues of probation's function during a period of growing emphasis on punishment and incarceration for criminal behavior. Primary concern is with present criminal justice perspectives on felons that affect probation activities. This thoughtful book reviews the literature, particularly Petersilia and Rand Corporation research, and poses critical correctional questions. . . . Sensitive to current conceptual ambiguity, Champion carefully defines key terms consistently used to develop perspectives on offenders' dispositions. Although the...
A distinguished scholar has responded to generic issues of probation's function during a period of growing emphasis on punishment and incarceration...
A distinguished group of criminal justice specialists examine the impact of the new U.S. sentencing guidelines, imposed in 1987, on law enforcement, the prosecution, and courts, and corrections.
A distinguished group of criminal justice specialists examine the impact of the new U.S. sentencing guidelines, imposed in 1987, on law enforcement, t...
At the dawn of the profession, police officers initially were hired based on physical strength, not personal skills. They did not understand the laws they were enforcing or how laws should be enforced. This extensive survey examines the context and types of police misconduct since the 1900s.
Written by Dean J. Champion, "Police Misconduct in America" covers police history back to Mesopotamia, outlines controversies, provides a broad chronology of significant eras in police history and a timeline of specific events, and offers biographical sketches of key personalities from J. Edgar...
At the dawn of the profession, police officers initially were hired based on physical strength, not personal skills. They did not understand the la...