'I could scarcely hold myself together. I thought I must give way to my grief, so I hurried out, but when I got home and alone, I could just fall down and cry, I tried to pray but Oh I couldn't contain myself.' - Caroline Alice Porter, September 3rd, 1922, after the deaths of her youngest daughter, Jennie, and husband James within a single week in 1922.
This rich anthology presents twenty diary excerpts written between 1830 and 1996, covering the upper-class travails of nineteenth-century travelers and settlers to the workday struggles and triumphs of twentieth-century...
'I could scarcely hold myself together. I thought I must give way to my grief, so I hurried out, but when I got home and alone, I could just fal...
'I could scarcely hold myself together. I thought I must give way to my grief, so I hurried out, but when I got home and alone, I could just fall down and cry, I tried to pray but Oh I couldn't contain myself.' - Caroline Alice Porter, September 3rd, 1922, after the deaths of her youngest daughter, Jennie, and husband James within a single week in 1922.
This rich anthology presents twenty diary excerpts written between 1830 and 1996, covering the upper-class travails of nineteenth-century travelers and settlers to the workday struggles and triumphs of twentieth-century...
'I could scarcely hold myself together. I thought I must give way to my grief, so I hurried out, but when I got home and alone, I could just fal...
A critique of conventional approaches to communication research, the authors argue that the impact of gender on research practives has been ignored. By exploring gender issues, and conducting applied research in the areas of mass and interpersonal communication, therapeutic interaction, and rhetoric, they critique traditional scholarship and offer novel alternatives. The authors take intact theories and methods and show their applicability (or lack thereof) to the study of women's communication. The adaptations allow researchers to conduct more accurate, sensitive, and theoretically sound...
A critique of conventional approaches to communication research, the authors argue that the impact of gender on research practives has been ignored...
Bearing Witness is a collection of stories from women who went through the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and treatment for it, only to find that the cancer recurred and any hope of recovery was gone. These women represent a spectrum of ages, ethnic backgrounds, marital circumstances, and professional experiences. From their stories we learn how each woman shapes the meaning of her life. Facing a life crisis can make one bitter and angry, but it can also provide the key to a thankful and generous spirit within.
Storytelling is an important art form present in many cultures:...
Bearing Witness is a collection of stories from women who went through the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and treatment for it, only to find ...