Bring the power of Ancient Druid wisdom into your life today. You are holding a source of great power and influence -- the wisdom of the animal world drawn from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition. The Druids, like the Native Americans, revered animals as sacred guides, guardians and protectors. Today, the book and beautiful card set of The Druid Animal Oracle can bring healing and will help you draw strength from its intuitive knowledge. From the interpretations of the card spreads and the animal lore given, you will gain powerful insights into your life-situation and...
Bring the power of Ancient Druid wisdom into your life today. You are holding a source of great power and influence -- the wisdom of the animal wo...
In this beautifully-written guide, Chief Druid Philip Carr-Gomm shows how the way of Druids can be followed today. He explains the ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids; Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal-, and herb-lore; the mysteries of the Druids' seasonal celebrations; their use of magic; and how their spirituality relates to paths such as Wicca. This guide shows how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world, and our sense of ancestry.
In this beautifully-written guide, Chief Druid Philip Carr-Gomm shows how the way of Druids can be followed today. He explains the ancient history and...
Ausgehend von einer spirituellen Pilgerreise zu den uralten Druidenheiligtümern Südenglands beschreibt Philip Carr-Gomm die Wurzeln, Lehren und Rituale der druidischen Tradition. Dieses sehr persönlich gehaltene Buch vermittelt neben tiefen Einsichten über die Beziehung von Mensch und Natur einen Zugang zu der Symbolkraft und Spiritualität der Druiden und lässt uns an ihrer Weisheit, ihrer Kreativität und ihrer Liebe zu den Pflanzen und Tieren teilhaben. Altes Wissen wird von Carr-Gomm lebendig in unseren Alltag überführt, der Zauber des Landes selbst - Riesen, Drachen, Ahnen,...
Ausgehend von einer spirituellen Pilgerreise zu den uralten Druidenheiligtümern Südenglands beschreibt Philip Carr-Gomm die Wurzeln, Lehren und Ritu...
Magic runs through the veins of English history, part of daily life from the earliest Arthurian legends to Aleister Crowley to the novels of Tolkien and Philip Pullman, and from the Druids to Freemasonry and beyond. Richly illustrated and deeply knowledgeable, this book is an invaluable source for anyone curious about magic and wizardry, or for sophisticated practitioners wanting to learn more.
Magic runs through the veins of English history, part of daily life from the earliest Arthurian legends to Aleister Crowley to the novels of Tolkien a...
Druidry and Wicca are the two great streams of Western Pagan tradition. Both traditions are experiencing a renaissance all over the world, as more and more people seek a spirituality rooted in a love of nature and the land. Increasingly, readers are combining the ideas of both traditions to craft their own spiritual practice. In this down-to-earth, inspiring guide, Philip Carr-Gomm offers a name for this Path that draws on the common beliefs and practices of Wicca and Druidry: DruidCraft. DruidCraft draws on the traditions of scholarship, storytelling, magical craft and seasonal celebration...
Druidry and Wicca are the two great streams of Western Pagan tradition. Both traditions are experiencing a renaissance all over the world, as more and...
Le Druidisme et la Wicca constituent les deux grands courants de la tradition paienne de l'Europe occidentale. Ces deux traditions connaissent une renaissance a travers le monde entier, au moment ou un nombre croissant de gens vont a la recherche d'une spiritualite ancree dans l'amour de la nature et de la terre. De plus en plus souvent, les lecteurs associent les idees des deux traditions afin de creer leur propre pratique spirituelle. Dans ce guide realiste et exaltant, Philip Carr-Gomm nous propose de donner a cette voie spirituelle, un nom s'inspirant des croyances et pratiques communes a...
Le Druidisme et la Wicca constituent les deux grands courants de la tradition paienne de l'Europe occidentale. Ces deux traditions connaissent une ren...
Contemplative Druidry is an evolving aspect of modern Druidry. Rather than talking in purely abstract terms, this book focuses first on the experience of people practicing contemplative Druidry now. Only then does it look at the bigger picture and draw conclusions for the developing spirituality of modern Druidry as a whole. 'Contemplative Druidry' takes the five months of March-July 2014, and offers a snapshot of how 15 practitioners of Druidry in England today understand and practice contemplative Druidry, and why they value it. Responding to a set of questions either in live interviews or...
Contemplative Druidry is an evolving aspect of modern Druidry. Rather than talking in purely abstract terms, this book focuses first on the experience...
Not a children's book, this is a true tale by a hereditary seer of encounters with the tiny winged fairies who dance by moonlight, enhance our gardens with their magic and grant wishes. They have enchanted our childhoods for generations and seers swear they are real. So who are they, where do they come from, and why, how do they evolve, reproduce and interact with humans? Here are some answers from the fairies themselves.
Not a children's book, this is a true tale by a hereditary seer of encounters with the tiny winged fairies who dance by moonlight, enhance our gardens...
Deep down most of us believe in magic, because we know that sometimes - just sometimes - magic can come tumbling into our lives with a blinding flash, and suddenly there we are facing the person we're destined to fall in love with, or being offered the job we never believed we would get, or we just find ourselves walking down that same familiar street, but this time it's different - this time we've fallen in love with life: this time everything looks different, and life feels wonderful and exciting again. Most people believe that you can't make this kind of magic occur in your life. They say...
Deep down most of us believe in magic, because we know that sometimes - just sometimes - magic can come tumbling into our lives with a blinding flash,...