This work reviews methods for the experimental determination of concrete toughness and presents theories and models suitable for describing cracking and fracturing phenomena in plain and reinforced concrete.
This work reviews methods for the experimental determination of concrete toughness and presents theories and models suitable for describing cracking a...
International contributions to this research field are included in this volume. It contains selected papers from 45 specialists given at the Symposium held under the auspices of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Turin in October 1994.
International contributions to this research field are included in this volume. It contains selected papers from 45 specialists given at the Symposium...
In this volume on the mechanics of fracture of Portland cement concrete, the general theme is the connection between microstructural phenomena and macroscopic models. The issues addressed include techniques for observation over a wide range of scales, the influence of .microcracking on common measures of strength and de formability , and ultimately, the relationship between microstructural changes in concrete under load and its resistance to cracking. It is now commonly accepted that, in past attempts to force-fit the behavior of concrete into the rules of linear elastic fracture mechanics,...
In this volume on the mechanics of fracture of Portland cement concrete, the general theme is the connection between microstructural phenomena and mac...
Following Volumes III and IV that dealt with the fracture mechanics of concrete emphasizing both material testing and structural application in general, it was felt that specimen size and loading rate effects for concrete require further attention. The only criterion that has thus far successfully linearized the highly nonlinear crack growth data of concrete is the strain energy density theory. In particular, the crack growth resistance curves plotting the strain energy density factor versus crack growth known as the SR-curves are straight lines as specimen size and loading steps or rates are...
Following Volumes III and IV that dealt with the fracture mechanics of concrete emphasizing both material testing and structural application in genera...