This volume deals with special relativity theory and its applications to cosmology. It presents Einstein's theory of space and time in detail, and describes the large-scale structure of space, time and velocity as a new cosmological special relativity. A cosmological Lorentz-like transformation, which relates events at different cosmic times, is derived and applied. A new law of addition of cosmic times is obtained, and the inflation of the space at the early universe is derived, both from the cosmological transformations. The book should be of interest to cosmologists, astrophysicists,...
This volume deals with special relativity theory and its applications to cosmology. It presents Einstein's theory of space and time in detail, and des...
This work presents gravitation and gauge fields as interrelated topics with a common physical and mathematical foundation, such as gauge theory of gravitation and other fields, giving emphasis to the physicist's point of view. About half of the material is devoted to Einstein's general relativity theory, and the rest to gauge fields that naturally blend well with gravitation, including spinor formulation, classification of SU(2) gauge fields and null-tetrad formulation of the Yang-Mills field in the presence of gravitation. The text includes an introduction to the physical foundation of the...
This work presents gravitation and gauge fields as interrelated topics with a common physical and mathematical foundation, such as gauge theory of gra...
The Relativity Conference in the Midwest was held in Cincin nati from June 2-6, 1969 and was sponsored jointly by the Aerospace Research Laboratories and the University of Cincinnati. During 1969, the Aerospace Research Laboratories celebrated the twentieth year of its existence and the University of Cincinnati celebrated its sesquicentennial year. Because of the extended interest of the Aerospace Research Laboratories in the Theory of Relativity and the recent arrival at the University of Cincinnati of one of the confer ence organizers it was felt that sponsoring a National Conference on...
The Relativity Conference in the Midwest was held in Cincin nati from June 2-6, 1969 and was sponsored jointly by the Aerospace Research Laboratories ...
This volume reviews the most recent progress on new exact solutions of the Yang-Mills SU(2) gauge field equations. In order to have a better understanding of the physical meaning of the Yang-Mills fields, the motion of a particle in these fields, first in general and then, in particular fields were discussed.
This volume reviews the most recent progress on new exact solutions of the Yang-Mills SU(2) gauge field equations. In order to have a better understan...