To be a U.S. citizen is to be a member of a constitutional order that requires political unity but is also committed to social and cultural diversity. How do we solve the riddle of the one and the many? What is, in Tom Paine's words, "the constitution of the people"?
This is a perennial question that goes to the heart of American society and that increasingly shapes public debates about the health of our body politic. To answer it, Robert Calvert, a political scientist, has collected original essays by six distinguished scholars who are among the most influential interpreters of the...
To be a U.S. citizen is to be a member of a constitutional order that requires political unity but is also committed to social and cultural diversity....
At a time when democracy in America suffers from a profound sense of cynicism, lack of trust, and disengagement, especially among young adults, this book is a much needed antidote.
At a time when democracy in America suffers from a profound sense of cynicism, lack of trust, and disengagement, especially among young adults, this b...