Since the mid 1960s, across Europe and America, more and more people have been turning their backs on mainstream politics and parties, and are pursuing more unconventional ways of making themselves heard. Recent research suggests that as many people in Britain are active in protest or similar movements as in the conventional political parties. Social scientists have revived the idea of Social Movements to explain this. This study explores the theories surrounding these new movements of the 1980s and 1990s. It begins by summarizing these theories and describing how such movements as...
Since the mid 1960s, across Europe and America, more and more people have been turning their backs on mainstream politics and parties, and are pursuin...
Since the mid 1960s, across Europe and America, more and more people have been turning their backs on mainstream politics and parties, and are pursuing more unconventional ways of making themselves heard. Recent research suggests that as many people in Britain are active in protest or similar movements as in the conventional political parties. Social scientists have revived the idea of Social Movements to explain this. This study explores the theories surrounding these new movements of the 1980s and 1990s. It begins by summarizing these theories and describing how such movements as...
Since the mid 1960s, across Europe and America, more and more people have been turning their backs on mainstream politics and parties, and are pursuin...
Les nouveaux bA timents sont sujets A un renforcement de l'isolation thermique, A une augmentation des surfaces vitrA(c)es et A un accroissement des apports internes dus A des appareils A(c)lectriques de plus en plus nombreux (ordinateurs, A(c)lectromA(c)nager...). Cette tendance conduit A une diminution des demandes de chauffage mais peut engendrer des demandes de rafraA(R)chissement en mi-saison et en pA(c)riode estivale. Les besoins en chauffage et en rafraA(R)chissement deviennent plus A(c)quilibrA(c)s sur une journA(c)e et sur l'annA(c)e en gA(c)nA(c)ral. De plus, l'eau chaude sanitaire...
Les nouveaux bA timents sont sujets A un renforcement de l'isolation thermique, A une augmentation des surfaces vitrA(c)es et A un accroissement des a...