Born probably 150 CE in Athens, Clement was a key figure in early Christianity with wide knowledge of Greek literature and culture. His Exhortation to the Greeks to give up their gods and turn to Christ shows familiarity with the mystery cults. The Rich Man s Salvation is a homily that offers a glimpse of Clement s public teaching.
Born probably 150 CE in Athens, Clement was a key figure in early Christianity with wide knowledge of Greek literature and culture. His Exhortation to...
Description: Being Koetschau's text of the De Principiis translated into English, together with an introduction and notes by G. W. Butterworth Origen's On First Principles was the first attempt to formulate a coherent system of Christian philosophy, and also the best expression of the theologian's general opinions. The work is divided into four parts: book one deals with God and creation, book two with creation (rational and irrational natures), providence, and redemption, and book four with the interpretation of Holy Scripture. Origen's views are based upon the authority of the Scriptures...
Description: Being Koetschau's text of the De Principiis translated into English, together with an introduction and notes by G. W. Butterworth Origen'...