This book offers an introduction to the newest, fastest-growing field in laboratory science. Explaining and clarifying the molecular techniques used in diagnostic testing, this text provides both entry-level and advanced information. It covers the principles of molecular biology along with genomes and nucleic acid alterations, techniques and instrumentation, and applications of molecular diagnostics. Written by leading experts, including Patrick Bossuyt, Angela Caliendo, Rossa W.K. Chiu, Kojo S.J. Elenitoba-Johnson, Andrea Ferreira-Gonzalez, Amy Groszbach, Sultan Habeebu, Doris Haverstick,...
This book offers an introduction to the newest, fastest-growing field in laboratory science. Explaining and clarifying the molecular techniques used i...
Advances in Critical Care Testing contains clinical and laboratory studies related to critically ill patients involving new technology, therapy, and application or interpretation of new tests. The subject matter of the book is of interest to both clinicans and laboratory scientists with a wide range of topics including inflammation, infection, stress, hypoxia, ischaemia, cardiology, haemodynamics, blood gases, electrolytes, trace elements, nephrology, gastroenterology, haematology and new technologies.
Advances in Critical Care Testing contains clinical and laboratory studies related to critically ill patients involving new technology, th...