This work chronicles the rise of new trends such as globalization and technological breakthroughs, and assesses their short- and long-term significance for companies. Through a series of interviews with business leaders, it analyzes how firms have reinvented themselves in response to change.
This work chronicles the rise of new trends such as globalization and technological breakthroughs, and assesses their short- and long-term significanc...
-A hard hitting yet hopeful look at a field concerned with renewal that is in need of renewal itself. This book is full of intelligent questions, provocative appraisals, and prescriptions for action that they serve.- -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, chaired professor, Harvard Business School; author, Confidence: How?Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End
-Wise, invaluable advice that the field and its practitioners should heed if the field of OD is to take its rightful place as an applied behavioral science that can make a...
Praise for Reinventing Organization Development
-A hard hitting yet hopeful look at a field concerned with renewal that is in need of renewal itsel...
This Fifth Edition provides an eye-opening exploration into the nature of change and discusses a range of theories, models and perspectives on organization change, with a new chapter on healthcare and government organizations.
This Fifth Edition provides an eye-opening exploration into the nature of change and discusses a range of theories, models and perspectives on organiz...