"The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where" is a unique guide to nuclear weapons decisionmaking and decisionmakers in the five official nuclear weapons states and the two nuclear alliances. No other book describes in such detail the complex structures in which decisions to produce and deploy nuclear weapons are made, and lists alphabetically with full biographies the names of the 750 people who make decisions about nuclear weapons production and deployment. Case studies on nuclear weapons procurement and deployment decisions make this book informative and necessary reading for both...
"The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where" is a unique guide to nuclear weapons decisionmaking and decisionmakers in the five official nuclea...
Merleau-Ponty in contemporary perspective: this was the theme of the conference at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K. U. L. ) from 29 November to 1 December 1991. Thirty years after Merleau- Ponty's untimely death, it seemed appropriate to bring together scholars from Europe and from the United States of America to reappraise his philosophy. In fact, a significant body of scholarship has emerged which would seem to attest to the continuing importance of his thought for a variety of disciplines within the humanities, the social sciences, and the philosophy of...
Merleau-Ponty in contemporary perspective: this was the theme of the conference at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K. U. ...
Probably no theologian has exercised so profound an influence on Catholic theology during the last half century as Karl Rahner. Patrick Burke examines the structure of dialectical analogy as it appears in each of the major themes of Rahner's theology-as an indispensable key to the correct interpretation of his thought. He also exposes a tension within the system that needs to be addressed if the complex balance of Rahner's vision is to be fully understood
Probably no theologian has exercised so profound an influence on Catholic theology during the last half century as Karl Rahner. Patrick Burke examines...
Probably no theologian has exercised so profound an influence on Catholic theology during the last half century as Karl Rahner. Patrick Burke examines the structure of dialectical analogy as it appears in each of the major themes of Rahner's theology-as an indispensable key to the correct interpretation of his thought. He also exposes a tension within the system that needs to be addressed if the complex balance of Rahner's vision is to be fully understood
Probably no theologian has exercised so profound an influence on Catholic theology during the last half century as Karl Rahner. Patrick Burke examines...