This unique diary, written by one of the thirty thousand Hessian troops whose services were sold to George III to suppress the American Revolution, is the most complete and informative primary account of the Revolution from the common soldier's point of view. Johann Conrad Dohla describes not just military activities but also events leading up to the Revolution, American customs, the cities and regions that he visited, and incidents in other parts of the world that affected the war. He also evaluates the important military commanders, giving readers an insight into how the enlisted men felt...
This unique diary, written by one of the thirty thousand Hessian troops whose services were sold to George III to suppress the American Revolution, is...
Six German states furnished troops to Britain to serve in America during the Revolutionary War. Those states were Hesse-Cassel, Hesse-Hanau, Brunswick, Waldeck, Ansbach-Bayreuth, and Anhalt-Zerbst. By far the largest contingent was provided by Hesse-Casse
Six German states furnished troops to Britain to serve in America during the Revolutionary War. Those states were Hesse-Cassel, Hesse-Hanau, Brunswick...
Contains the wartime diaries of Lieutenant Johann Heinrich von Bardeleben, the company Church Book of the von Donop Regiment compiled by Chaplain Georg Christoph Coester, and the regimental journal of Quartermaster Johann Georg Zinn. Johann von Bardeleben
Contains the wartime diaries of Lieutenant Johann Heinrich von Bardeleben, the company Church Book of the von Donop Regiment compiled by Chaplain Geor...
When England was faced with the necessity of trying to suppress the revolt in the American Colonies in 1775, there were not enough men in the kingdom to fulfill all the English military commitments. Therefore, England turned to the continent of Europe and
When England was faced with the necessity of trying to suppress the revolt in the American Colonies in 1775, there were not enough men in the kingdom ...
A largely unexploited source of information on life in colonial America is to be found in the diaries of those German soldiers who came to America as the so-called Hessians during the American Revolutionary War. Of all the diaries, that of Philipp Waldec
A largely unexploited source of information on life in colonial America is to be found in the diaries of those German soldiers who came to America as ...
This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War. Firstly, there is the regimental journal, kept by quartermaster August Schmidt, which spans the period from the unit's departure from regimental headqua
This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War. Firstly, there is the regimental journal, kept ...
Mr. Burgoyne continues to add to our knowledge of the Germans' participation in the Revolutionary War. Although these auxiliary soldiers came from many different areas of Germany, they were generally lumped together under the term "Hessians." They fough
Mr. Burgoyne continues to add to our knowledge of the Germans' participation in the Revolutionary War. Although these auxiliary soldiers came from man...
"Written by Captain Ludwig Alberti of the Waldeck 5th Battalion during the voyage of the Waldeck 5th Battalion from Alkmaar in north Holland to the Cape of Good Hope and during the unit's stay there."
"Written by Captain Ludwig Alberti of the Waldeck 5th Battalion during the voyage of the Waldeck 5th Battalion from Alkmaar in north Holland to the Ca...
This volume contains translations of two versions of the Revolutionary War diary of Johann Ernst Prechtel: the first from the "original" document, and the second from an author-revised later version. Both are included here "to provide an easily comparable
This volume contains translations of two versions of the Revolutionary War diary of Johann Ernst Prechtel: the first from the "original" document, and...