The basis of all biblical study is that God has revealed himself, not only through the Word, but in various ways in various times and places. These self-disclosures are called theophanies. The pivotal theophany in Old Testament times was God's revelation to Moses on Mount Sinai. So significant is this theophany in terms of God's covenant with his people and his progressive revelation that author Jeffrey J. Niehaus justifiably employs the term "Sinai theology" to convey his theme. This book explores the meaning of this theophany throughout the Old Testament -- pre-Sinai, post-Sinai...
The basis of all biblical study is that God has revealed himself, not only through the Word, but in various ways in various times and places. These...
-The Torah doesn't speak of Jesus at all - -You're completely misinterpreting Isaiah - -This verse has absolutely nothing to do with your Jesus It's not even a messianic prophecy - -As for the real messianic prophecies, Jesus fulfilled none of them.- These are some objections raised by Jews regarding Jesus as the Messiah. Using the Hebrew Bible, rabbinic texts, and the New Testament, Dr. Michael Brown provides thorough answers to nearly forty such objections. This third installment of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus looks specifically at questions raised about messianic...
-The Torah doesn't speak of Jesus at all - -You're completely misinterpreting Isaiah - -This verse has absolutely nothing to do with your Jesus It's ...
A Jewish person has different objections to Jesus than an atheist, yet most apologetics books are geared toward conversing with non-religious people about the gospel. Michael L. Brown, a Jewish believer in Jesus, has been writing popular books on talking with Jews about the Messiah for years. Now he takes those discussions even further with this newest volume of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus.
It focuses on the New Testament and traditional Jewish objections to Jesus, giving believers the important background information they need when discussing matters of faith with people...
A Jewish person has different objections to Jesus than an atheist, yet most apologetics books are geared toward conversing with non-religious people a...
This book is for: Everyone hungry for more of God... Everyone jealous for the true glory of God... Everyone who knows that something great is missing from the American Church
This book is for: Everyone hungry for more of God... Everyone jealous for the true glory of God... Everyone who knows that something great is missing ...