"The Japanese Monarchy, 1931-1991," which created a sensation when first published in Japanese, clarifies US policies toward Japan's symbol emperor system before, during and after World War II. As American ambassador to Japan from 1932 to 1945, Joseph Clark Grew had contacts with groups close to the emperor as well as leading "moderates." Returning to the US after the outbreak of the war, he made many speeches, first condemning Japanese aggression, but later changing his theme from war to peace, even to suggesting that the emperor would be a key asset in stabilising Japanese society after the...
"The Japanese Monarchy, 1931-1991," which created a sensation when first published in Japanese, clarifies US policies toward Japan's symbol emperor sy...
Focuses on the points of intersection between analytic philosophy and the philosophy of the exact sciences. This title deals with the connections between knowledge in mathematics and the exact sciences, on the one hand, and the conceptual foundations of knowledge in general.
Focuses on the points of intersection between analytic philosophy and the philosophy of the exact sciences. This title deals with the connections betw...
The essays in this volume concern the points of intersection between analytic philosophy and the philosophy of the exact sciences. More precisely, it concern connections between knowledge in mathematics and the exact sciences, on the one hand, and the conceptual foundations of knowledge in general. Its guiding idea is that, in contemporary philosophy of science, there are profound problems of theoretical interpretation-- problems that transcend both the methodological concerns of general philosophy of science, and the technical concerns of philosophers of particular sciences. A fruitful...
The essays in this volume concern the points of intersection between analytic philosophy and the philosophy of the exact sciences. More precisely, it ...