The sitcom made its first appearance in January of 1949 with the introduction of television's first family, The Goldbergs. Since the advent of the sitcom, televised fictional families have reflected the changing structure of American society. The sitcom emphasized first the lives of suburban, working class European immigrants and gradually expanded to encompass the multicultural urban phenomena of the 1960s. The roles of men and women in the fictional family have similarly been adjusted to depict women's movement into the workforce and the changing identity of the father. As censorship laws...
The sitcom made its first appearance in January of 1949 with the introduction of television's first family, The Goldbergs. Since the advent of the sit...
Hollywood has meant many things to many people throughout its illustrious history, but nowadays, Tinseltown is best known for the three Gs-Glitz, Glamour, and Ghosts. Read about the celebrity apparitions who touch visitors at the Hollywood Wax Museum with ghostly hands; the phantom bartender at the elegant Yamashiro Restaurant who startles diners; the lively spirits at The Formosa Cafe who drink right along with the customers. You won't want to miss Clift Montgomerys bugle call at The Hollywood Roosevelt; Janis Joplins presence at the Highland Gardens Hotel; Bela Lugosis daily visit to the...
Hollywood has meant many things to many people throughout its illustrious history, but nowadays, Tinseltown is best known for the three Gs-Glitz, Glam...
Sometimes good intentions aren't good enough and we need a little help to make it though the workday. Some people pray, others put their noses to the grindstone. Now you can take a different path and resolve workplace issues in a magickal way. This special spell book is an easy-to-follow guide to 51 spells, ritual explanations, and cautions covering pesky, job-related hurdles. Get a raise or promotion, hold thy tongue, gather inspiration, melt away stress, or just make them leave you alone You can do it Magick can help
Sometimes good intentions aren't good enough and we need a little help to make it though the workday. Some people pray, others put their noses to the ...
The ghostly residents of Hollywood are not shy about talking to us from the other side, especially those who want to set the record straight about how they passed from this life into the next During seances conducted at Hollywood locations, spirits come forth, denying accidental deaths, naming murderers, and chit-chatting for fun. Hear what Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Harry Truman, and Jim Morrison, among others, have to say from beyond. Visit haunted houses, banks, cemeteries, restaurants, and more, as you learn that spirits in Hollywood still have a thing or two to say Includes...
The ghostly residents of Hollywood are not shy about talking to us from the other side, especially those who want to set the record straight about how...
We love our pets and want the best for them. Sometimes a little magick works wonders--and you don't need a magick wand or a cauldron to make wonderful things happen. Read this easy-to-use guide to learn and perform over two dozen timely and sometimes necessary spells to keep your pets happy, healthy, and safe.
We love our pets and want the best for them. Sometimes a little magick works wonders--and you don't need a magick wand or a cauldron to make wonderful...