Once seen as synonomous with any-feminism, postfeminism is now understood as the theoretical meeting ground between feminism and anti-foundationalist movements such as postmodernism, post-structuralism and post-colonialism.
Once seen as synonomous with any-feminism, postfeminism is now understood as the theoretical meeting ground between feminism and anti-foundationalist ...
Once seen as synonymous with 'anti-feminism' postfeminism is now understood as the theoretical meeting ground between feminism and anti-foundationalist movements such as postmodernism, post-structuralism and post-colonialsm. In this clear exposition of some of the major debates, theorists and practitioners, Ann Brooks shows how feminism is being redefined for the 21st century.
Once seen as synonymous with 'anti-feminism' postfeminism is now understood as the theoretical meeting ground between feminism and anti-foundationalis...