One of the most popular novels ever written, Charlotte Bronte's classic tale follows orphan Jane Eyre from her early years living with her heartless aunt, through her unhappy years at school and on to her meeting the the handsome but callous, Mr Rochester. Rich in themes, Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece examines religion, class, social structure and morality, and offers one of English literature's first feminist characters in the independent and strong-willed Jane. One of the most important and groundbreaking novels of all time, Jane Eyre retains its ability to captivate its readers more and...
One of the most popular novels ever written, Charlotte Bronte's classic tale follows orphan Jane Eyre from her early years living with her heartless a...
Presents Jane Eyre's life during the 19th century. This title takes you to a time of grand Victorian mansions contrasted with the severest poverty. It meets UK curriculum requirements.
Presents Jane Eyre's life during the 19th century. This title takes you to a time of grand Victorian mansions contrasted with the severest poverty. It...
Presents Jane Eyre's life during the 19th century. This title takes you to a time of grand Victorian mansions contrasted with the severest poverty. It meets UK curriculum requirements.
Presents Jane Eyre's life during the 19th century. This title takes you to a time of grand Victorian mansions contrasted with the severest poverty. It...
Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows her unpleasant aunt to send her away to a grim charity school, where she continues her harsh upbringing, but is given the education that finally frees her. Once old enough, she becomes a teacher and takes the role of governess in a large manor house, where she falls in love with her employer. But Rochester is hiding a secret that, when revealed, forces Jane to choose between following her head and her heart. Both critically acclaimed and...
Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows h...
Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows her unpleasant aunt to send her away to a grim charity school, where she continues her harsh upbringing, but is given the education that finally frees her. Once old enough, she becomes a teacher and takes the role of governess in a large manor house, where she falls in love with her employer. But Rochester is hiding a secret that, when revealed, forces Jane to choose between following her head and her heart. Both critically acclaimed and...
Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows h...
Charlotte Bronte's final masterpiece powerfully portrays a woman struggling to reconcile love, jealousy, and a fierce desire for independence. Having fled a harrowing past in England, Lucy Snowe begins a new life teaching at a boarding school in the great capital of a foreign country. There, as she tries to achieve independence from both outer necessity and inward grief, she finds that her feelings for a worldly doctor and a dictatorial professor threaten her hard-won self-possession. Published in 1853, Charlotte Bronte's last novel was written in the wake of her grief at the death of her...
Charlotte Bronte's final masterpiece powerfully portrays a woman struggling to reconcile love, jealousy, and a fierce desire for independence. Hav...
Charlotte Bronte's most beloved novel describes the passionate love between the courageous orphan Jane Eyre and the brilliant, brooding, and domineering Rochester. The loneliness and cruelty of Jane's childhood strengthens her natural independence and spirit, which prove invaluable when she takes a position as a governess at Thornfield Hall. But after she falls in love with her sardonic employer, her discovery of his terrible secret forces her to make a heart-wrenching choice. Ever since its publication in 1847, Jane Eyrehas enthralled every kind of reader, from the most...
Charlotte Bronte's most beloved novel describes the passionate love between the courageous orphan Jane Eyre and the brilliant, brooding, and domineeri...
" READER, I BURIED HIM . " A timeless tale of love, devotion . . . and the undead. Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampyre kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she's meant to be. When she takes a job as a governess at a country estate, she falls head-over-heels for her new master, Mr. Rochester, only to discover he's hiding a violent werewolf in the attic--in the form of his first wife. Can a menagerie of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, savage...
" READER, I BURIED HIM . " A timeless tale of love, devotion . . . and the undead. Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, ...
In graphic novel format, an adaptation of Bront'e's story about an orphaned young English woman who accepts employment as a governess at Thornfield Hall, a country estate owned by the mysterious and remote Mr. Rochester.
In graphic novel format, an adaptation of Bront'e's story about an orphaned young English woman who accepts employment as a governess at Thornfield Ha...