Hysteresis is an exciting and mathematically challenging phenomenon that oc- curs in rather different situations: jt, can be a byproduct offundamental physical mechanisms (such as phase transitions) or the consequence of a degradation or imperfection (like the play in a mechanical system), or it is built deliberately into a system in order to monitor its behaviour, as in the case of the heat control via thermostats. The delicate interplay between memory effects and the occurrence of hys- teresis loops has the effect that hysteresis is a genuinely nonlinear phenomenon which is usually...
Hysteresis is an exciting and mathematically challenging phenomenon that oc- curs in rather different situations: jt, can be a byproduct offundamental...
Abdul Hasan Siddiqi Martin Brokate Abul Hassan Siddiqi
This volume constitutes the proceedings of a conference on functional analysis and its applications, which took place in India during December 1996. Topics include topological vector spaces, Banach algebras, meromorphic functions, partial differential equations, variational equations and inequalities, optimization, wavelets, elastroplasticity, numerical integration, fractal image compression, reservoir simulation, forest management, and industrial maths.
This volume constitutes the proceedings of a conference on functional analysis and its applications, which took place in India during December 1996. T...
Hysteresis is an exciting and mathematically challenging phenomenon that oc- curs in rather different situations: jt, can be a byproduct offundamental physical mechanisms (such as phase transitions) or the consequence of a degradation or imperfection (like the play in a mechanical system), or it is built deliberately into a system in order to monitor its behaviour, as in the case of the heat control via thermostats. The delicate interplay between memory effects and the occurrence of hys- teresis loops has the effect that hysteresis is a genuinely nonlinear phenomenon which is usually...
Hysteresis is an exciting and mathematically challenging phenomenon that oc- curs in rather different situations: jt, can be a byproduct offundamental...
Dieses vierfarbige Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende der Mathematik in Bachelor-Studiengangen. Es bietet in einem Band ein lebendiges Bild der mathematischen Inhalte, die ublicherweise im zweiten und dritten Studienjahr behandelt werden (mit Ausnahme der Algebra).
Mathematik-Studierende finden wichtige Begriffe, Satze und Beweise ausfuhrlich und mit vielen Beispielen erklart und werden an grundlegende Konzepte und Methoden herangefuhrt.
Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Verstandnis der mathematischen Zusammenhange und des Aufbaus der Theorie sowie die Strukturen und Ideen wichtiger...
Dieses vierfarbige Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende der Mathematik in Bachelor-Studiengangen. Es bietet in einem Band ein lebendiges Bild der m...
The Lebesgue integral is an essential tool in the fields of analysis and stochastics and for this reason, in many areas where mathematics is applied. This textbook is a concise, lecture-tested introduction to measure and integration theory. It addresses the important topics of this theory and presents additional results which establish connections to other areas of mathematics. The arrangement of the material should allow the adoption of this textbook in differently composed Bachelor programmes.
The Lebesgue integral is an essential tool in the fields of analysis and stochastics and for this reason, in many areas where mathematics is applied. ...
Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthalt die Aufgaben, Hinweise, Losungen und Losungswege aller Kapitel des Lehrbuchs Brokate et al., Grundwissen Mathematikstudium - Hohere Analysis, Numerik und Stochastik. Die Inhalte des Buchs stehen als PDF-Dateien auch auf der Website zum Buch matheweb zur Verfugung. Durch die stufenweise Offenlegung der Losungen ist das Werk bestens geeignet zum Selbststudium, zur Vorlesungsbegleitung und als Prufungsvorbereitung.
Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Themen der Vorlesungen Analysis 3 / Hohere Analysis sowie Numerik und...
Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthalt die Aufgaben, Hinweise, Losungen und Losungswege aller Kapitel des Lehrbuchs Brokate et al., Grundwissen Mathematikst...