A Platonic dialogue in the form of a double anachronism--the action takes place two centuries after our era--Joseph Brodsky's only play, Marbles, is set in a prison cell that alone provides for the three unities of classic drama: those of time, place, and action. A nightmare rather than a utopia, this play proceeds according to the immanent logic of mental aggravation as its two characters, the inmates Publius and Tullius, examine the tautology of their psychological, historical, and purely physical confines. The fusion of its dour, somewhat terrifying vision with the macabre...
A Platonic dialogue in the form of a double anachronism--the action takes place two centuries after our era--Joseph Brodsky's only play, Marbles...
Combining two books of verse that were first published in his native Russian, To Urania was Brodsky's third volume to appear in English. Published in 1988, the year after he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, this collection features pieces translated by the poet himself and others, as well as poems written originally in English.
Auden once characterized Brodsky as "a traditionalist . . . interested in what lyric poets of all ages have been interested in . . . encounters with nature . . . reflections upon the human condition, death, and the meaning of existence."...
Combining two books of verse that were first published in his native Russian, To Urania was Brodsky's third volume to appear in English. Pub...
Joseph Brodsky's last volume of poems in English, So Forth, represents eight years of masterful self-translation from the Russian, as well as a substantial body of work written directly in English.
"Nobel laureate Brodsky completed work on this sobering and brilliant collection just a week before his death ...." Brodsky's death is a loss to literature; his final collection of poems is the best consolation we could ask for." - Publishers Weekly
Joseph Brodsky's last volume of poems in English, So Forth, represents eight years of masterful self-translation from the Russian, as well ...
The poems of the legendary Nobel Laureate, in one volume at last
One of the greatest and grandest advocates of the literary vocation, Joseph Brodsky truly lived his life as a poet, and for it earned eighteen months in an Arctic labor camp, expulsion from his native country, and the Nobel Prize in Literature. Such were one man's wages. Here, collected for the first time, are all the poems he published in English, from his earliest collaborations with Derek Walcott, Richard Wilbur, Howard Moss, and Anthony Hecht to the moving farewell poems he wrote near the end of his life....
The poems of the legendary Nobel Laureate, in one volume at last
One of the greatest and grandest advocates of the literary vocation,...
Peter Viereck's career has been an ongoing experiment in the symbiosis of poetry and history. Tide and Continuities is the embodiment and culmination of that career. It includes many new poems, never before published, and work--some with stunning revisions--from books as recent as his 1987 epic, Archer in the Marrow: The Applewood Cycles, and as early as his 1948 Pulitzer Prize-winning collection, Terror and Decorum. Tide and Continuties is the revelation of a great American poet.
Peter Viereck's career has been an ongoing experiment in the symbiosis of poetry and history. Tide and Continuities is the embodiment and culmination ...
Sankt Petersburg, die Stadt am Meer, wird in diesem Buch so lebendig und anschaulich gefeiert wie selten zuvor. Eine Liebeserklrung des Nobelpreistrgers Brodsky und eine Reise in die Erinnerung und in die Kindheit - geschrieben, um im Exil nicht zu verstummen.Mit Fotografien von Barbara Klemm, die Architektur, Menschen und Leben dieser groartigen Stadt dokumentieren.
Sankt Petersburg, die Stadt am Meer, wird in diesem Buch so lebendig und anschaulich gefeiert wie selten zuvor. Eine Liebeserklrung des Nobelpreistrge...
Mit diesem Buch hat der russische Dichter und Nobelpreistrger Joseph Brodsky eine Liebeserklrung an Venedig geschrieben. Eine hymnische Hommage an die Lagunenstadt, an ihre Kunst, ihre Architektur, ihre inspirierende Schnheit. Und gleichzeitig die Selbstauskunft eines der groen Dichter unserer Zeit.
Mit diesem Buch hat der russische Dichter und Nobelpreistrger Joseph Brodsky eine Liebeserklrung an Venedig geschrieben. Eine hymnische Hommage an die...