Peter Brimblecombe P. G. C. Campbell R. M. Harrison
This book is about the atmosphere and humanity's influence on it. For this new edition, Brimblecombe has rewritten and updated much of the book. In the early chapters, he discusses the geochemical, biological and maritime sources of the trace gases. Next, he examines the chemistry of atmospheric gases, suspended particles, and rainfall. After dealing with the natural atmosphere, he examines the sources of air pollution and its effects, with all scenarios updated from the last edition. Scenarios include decline in health, damage to plants and animals, indoor pollution, and acid rain. The final...
This book is about the atmosphere and humanity's influence on it. For this new edition, Brimblecombe has rewritten and updated much of the book. In th...
Air Pollution Reviews will provide state-of-the-art reviews of key problems in air pollution science. Leading research workers and key figures from the regulatory and industrial communities will contribute detailed and yet accessible accounts of areas in which they have recognised expertise. The series will run to five volumes, the first being more general than the succeeding volumes. In Volume 1, current perceptions of the effects of air pollutants on health will be reviewed. Recent epidemiological data on the links between particles and effects on health and the methods used to investigate...
Air Pollution Reviews will provide state-of-the-art reviews of key problems in air pollution science. Leading research workers and key figures from th...
Air pollution damages materials, but it has changed dramatically in the past century, with a reduction in the concentration of corrosive primary pollutants in urban atmospheres. At the same time, architectural styles and types of materials have changed, as we have moved to more organically rich, photochemically active atmospheres.Contemporary air pollutants have the potential to degrade organic coatings and polymers, which are of great importance to modern structures, while increasing amounts of fine diesel soot spoil the simple lines and smooth areas characteristic of many modern...
Air pollution damages materials, but it has changed dramatically in the past century, with a reduction in the concentration of corrosive primary pollu...
This book arises from a European Commission 6th Framework Programme for Research project: 'Global Climate Change Impacts on the Built Heritage and Cultural Landscape - The Noah's Ark Project'. The work recognised that although climate change attracts wide interest at research and policy levels, little attention is paid to its impact on cultural heritage. In a period when enhanced regulation has improved European air quality, it seems important to explore how the threat of climate change to cultural heritage can become better recognised and perceived as relevant. As a non-renewable resource...
This book arises from a European Commission 6th Framework Programme for Research project: 'Global Climate Change Impacts on the Built Heritage and ...
Acid rain is still with us. Although it is a problem that people have worked diligently to solve, there are still many problem areas throughout the world. In reality the focus of acid rain research has shifted, and this book adds new vision to the topic. It contains papers, selected from Acid Rain 2005, the 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, that take a broad perspective of the issues, emphasizing a number of themes:
- the emission, concentration and deposition of pollutants
- nitrogen and trace elements in ecosystems and their effects on...
Acid rain is still with us. Although it is a problem that people have worked diligently to solve, there are still many problem areas throughout the...
There is a growing need for cooperation between disciplines, not only to deal with the burning problems of the present, but to study the interaction of societies and their ecosystems in the past. In the 1970s studies in Environmental History were largely confined to North America. Recent years have brought about a vast increase in the "amount, the quality and the scope of scholarship on historical interactions between human (social and economic) de velopment and the biosphere in Europe, both East and West. This broad interest in environmental history may have been heightened and sharpened by...
There is a growing need for cooperation between disciplines, not only to deal with the burning problems of the present, but to study the interaction o...
Pollution damages materials, but it has changed dramatically in the past century, with a reduction in the concentration of corrosive primary pollutants in urban atmospheres. At the same time, architectural styles and types of materials have changed, as we have moved to more organically rich, photochemically active atmospheres. Contemporary pollutants have a greater potential to degrade organic coatings and polymers, which are of great importance to modern structures.Urban Pollution and Changes to Materials and Building Surfaces examines a range of materials, discussing the ways in which they...
Pollution damages materials, but it has changed dramatically in the past century, with a reduction in the concentration of corrosive primary pollutant...