Pension Scheme Accounting and Audit provides guidance on the preparation of pension scheme financial statements and the audit of those statements in the UK. Pensions scheme accounts are prepared in line with guidelines issues within the UK's Pensions Scheme Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), which is drawn up by the Pensions Research Accountants Group (PRAG). The guidelines within SORPs are not mandatory, but they are recommended practice, and organizations deviating from these guidelines may be required to explain why. The last SORP was issued in 2007 and is currently being revised in...
Pension Scheme Accounting and Audit provides guidance on the preparation of pension scheme financial statements and the audit of those statements in t...
Somaliland Travel Guide - Travel information and expert advice with a foreword by Simon Reeve, including Hargeisa highlights, Islamic ruins and ancient rock art sites. Also featuring practical information, nomadic traditions and culture, Daallo Escarpment, Berbera, Las Geel, Mandana ruins, Zeila, wildlife, birdlife, culture and political history.
Somaliland Travel Guide - Travel information and expert advice with a foreword by Simon Reeve, including Hargeisa highlights, Islamic ruins and ancien...